Another spicy chicken movie, Nicholas Cage is hopeless

Alvena 2022-09-23 12:33:43

Seeing the title code 211, I immediately thought of the guarantee of quality (that's a good university code in our country), but seeing the starring actor Nicolas Cage, my heart was basically cold. The final result proved that Cage really has become the king of bad movies.

Find the fault directly:

1. The four robbers are simply terrorists

The opening shows how awesome the four of them are, and then they go to grab the bank. It can be seen from the dialogue that they are indeed doing it for money, not for revenge against society, and they have no political demands. Do they need to kill innocent people indiscriminately? He killed people if he didn't agree with him, even robbed a car. In order to make a difference, he bombed the restaurant at a time, killing and wounding one at a time, and put a bomb on the hostage, killing a policeman. Is this a bank robbery? This is totally a terrorist attack!

Two, the robbers and the police have no brains

The robbers need money and retreat. The police should give priority to ensuring the safety of the hostages, so both parties have the need and necessity of negotiation. In this film, there is no communication between the police and the robbers, and it is clear that you were not killed. I'm the posture of me killing you, thinking I'm playing cs? The robbers, in particular, did not take the hostages as a cover or threat. They even let go of all the hostages at once, attempting to explode and create chaos before taking the opportunity to escape. Wouldn't you negotiate terms and run with two hostages? With hostages, do the police dare to shoot casually?

3. The front is too clichéd, so you can basically guess the story behind

The previous rendering is so long, the son-in-law police and the pregnant wife ensure safety, and the old bank man and wife say goodbye affectionately. How can people not guess that someone is going to rob the bank, and the two above will definitely be shot. Seeing that black boy was asked to patrol with the police, how could he not guess that he would go through a big case and play an important role. This kind of design that can be seen at a glance is worse than no design.

Means she knew her husband was going to be shot
Sure enough to live up to expectations and get shot
The boy will shoot when it is time to shoot, and he will know if he shoots.

4. There seems to be no professionalism in all walks of life

The police and robbers have already said it above. Besides, the escort entered the bank with the money in his hand, and no one was on guard at all. The kidnappers are so complicated to enter the bank to take hostages and open the vault. It is better to just ambush at the door of the bank and run away immediately with the money. There are also black female doctors. The family members of the patients rushed into the operating room and didn't blast out. She was on the phone with her son at the critical moment of saving lives, ignored so many wounded, and ran to the scene of the crime to find his son. Maternal love is very powerful, but it's too small to behave like this, right?

The escort has no pressure, just like working in a country without guns
Family members enter the operating room at will, and the black doctor who is performing the operation will talk to his son soon

Five, mobile phone advertising placement

The movie gave a lot of close-ups to the mobile phone. When going out on duty, the black child didn’t charge the battery fully, and didn’t bring a power bank. When playing with it, the battery would run out. 10% of the battery didn’t ask for help or call his mother. When I turned it off, I thought of my mother again. . Well, everyone knows this is a mobile phone. But my personal feeling is that this mobile phone battery is not resistant to use, hahaha.

Recharge all the time in life

Sixth, why the son-in-law police wants to die?

At the beginning of the film, he was going to be shot, and since the shot, he kept telling the audience that he was going to die and he was going to die. His wife went to the hospital and cried as if he was already dead. But at the end the child was born, and this buddy is alive and well. Is it because there is too little suspense in the whole film, which surprises the audience here? There is no one.

The son-in-law police did not die, are you surprised?

In short, I hope you don't make a sequel, no one wants to see code 985.

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Extended Reading


  • Mike Chandler: Will you shut that thing off... Everywhere I go, I got a camera in my face.