The most exciting thing about this movie is the struggle between human nature

Ola 2022-01-24 08:07:30

The movie tells the story of how three Chinese Korean gangsters illegally migrated to South Korea and demanded money in a certain area. The plot is simple, the three bad guys conquered a group of bad guys to do evil, and then as the protagonist of the police, finally solve them with justice and awe.

Some people think that the plot is simple, and it is not logical in some places; some people think that the action fighting scene is outstanding. But the biggest feeling this movie gave me is the frustrated social ecosystem presented by the movie through the actors' acting skills. No one in the movie introduces what kind of area this area is, but through various forces struggles and shooting details, it presents a complete and real multi-level social system, which is basically a presentation of humanity struggles.

Let me talk about the protagonist, the policeman. He appeared on the scene while holding a phone and chatting while entering the scene of the incident.

In the incident, two people held a knife and threatened to fight for your own sake. As soon as the protagonist came in, he first broke one of them by the wrist, and then asked the other to surrender automatically. He talked on the phone during the whole process, and then the stall owner who returned the money to sell the knives told him not to set up a stall here.

Have you ever seen a similar scene directly appear in a certain real scene of a policeman in the celestial dynasty or in a movie?

This appearance directly tells the audience that the protagonist is actually the maintainer of the regional order, but this maintainer is not the traditional maintainer who is always just and awe-inspiring, but a so-called strong maintainer. The security and order in this area are also based on his strong foundation.

Sure enough, several scenes below the movie highlight the background of this region-only force can maintain order.

Chunzhi Gang, one of the regional gangs, when the protagonist went to KTV, his subordinates directly shouted "Big Brother".

The Yishuai Gang and the Venomous Snake Gang were stabbed in order to grab the site. The Venomous Snake Gang wanted revenge. Then the protagonist directly went to the door to KO and dropped the leader of the Venomous Snake Gang, and let the leader of the Venomous Snake Gang sit down with the leader of the Yi Shuai Gang. Let the leader of the Yishuai Gang say sorry to the leader of the Viper Gang, and the leader of the Viper Gang agreed to accept the apology, and finally let them sit together and take a good picture.....

The reason why the two leaders did it is that Because first of all, they can't beat the protagonist, and their men have no chance to defeat the protagonist. They clearly recognize this disparity in strength. In addition, the protagonist is a legitimate policeman, and their business is improper, and they have no way to compete on the stage. Therefore, no matter how reluctant, they accepted the protagonist's mediation.

There are many similar pictures and plots. The film wants to tell the audience that the most practical controller in this area is the protagonist, and the protagonist cannot control the order of the entire area. He also uses his unique black and white method to solve all public security cases and maintain the highest level in this area. The safest and most stable situation.

This also reflects from another aspect that this area is a prosperous area, with many opportunities to make money, a large foreign population, complex personnel, and it also relies on different forces to maintain overall balance.

With a balanced situation, the imbalance is broken, that is the story is coming.

The three gangsters, who are said to be of Korean ethnicity in Heilongjiang Province, smuggled to South Korea after committing crimes in China and came to this area.

These three gangsters are very interesting, and they have also caused some viewers to be unable to use logic to understand this group of high-profile gangsters.

These three gangsters first lend usury, borrowing others' three thousand nets, so that others can pay back two memories. Before others, they cut their hands and feet, attracting the gang viper gang behind the victim. As a result, they directly stabbed the leader and subordinates of the Viper Gang to death, and the corpses were scattered in the streets.

This is the famous "Harbin Zhang Qian Egg". (Hahahaha, the name is amazing) The

three of them, headed by Zhang Qian, first annexed the Viper Gang, then took the territory of the Yi Shuai Gang, and then went to KTV to cut off the hand of one of their unhappy managers... Said that they directly threatened the black and white of the entire region in a short period of time, and then rampaged and domineering nonchalantly.

Some viewers thought he was too illogical. He was wanted in China and was dragged in South Korea.

However, Zhang Qian, this person really can't use logic to figure it out. This is also the best character in the whole movie. He is contradictory.

On the one hand, he strategized, and this series of actions to annex the Viper Gang was obviously premeditated. Later, the protagonist set a set for him, and he also knew clearly that someone else was designing a set for him.

He sneered and convulsed when he faced his naive brother who believed in the police's tactics. He let his brother continue to carry out that plan naively, while he went to another place to hack people to make money.

He is undoubtedly an IQ online criminal.

However, on the other hand, it was his personality that caused the rapid decline in IQ, directly speaking, it was his inferiority to the extreme.

The biggest difference between him and the protagonist is that the fundamental purpose of using force is different. The protagonist hopes to maintain the situation through simple force, while Zhang Qian uses force to gain pleasure, gain recognition, and solve the problem by the way. If there is a problem, he feels that he is being looked down upon. He cuts and kills to solve the problem.

I was aware of this point when he was in his KTV box.

The KTV manager came to stop Zhang Qian from wanting to rape their young lady's men. Of course, he cursed a few foul language before hitting one of his men. The man picked up the ashtray and was about to fight back, Zhang Qian yelled not to cause trouble.

The three of them were about to leave. The manager cursed at Zhang Qian. Of course, he cursed at them. The key target was Zhang Qian.

The result was different. Zhang Qian immediately solved the manager, and let his subordinates dispose of the manager casually.

He knows the consequences and consequences of all this, but he just can't tolerate others' despising and contempt for him.

This is Zhang Qian's logic, no one can look down upon him. This extremely low self-esteem character also makes him tell others who he is every time he fights...The

famous "I am Harbin Zhang Qiandan" is presented in the movie in various ways.

In Zhang Qian's logic, he is the only one who is not good to people, and others cannot be bad to him. According to this logic, you can understand why Zhang Qian didn’t care if he caused trouble. After he swallowed the Viper Gang and became the second-in-chief woman of the Viper Gang, he threw the corpse into the street (directly angered the police) and went directly to the Yi Shuai Gang. Grab money from the site.

All this is what he thinks he deserves. Others don't obey his instructions or don't give him what he wants. It's very simple, kill.

When calm, Zhang Qian strategizes; when challenged, he is hysterical. This also shows that he was just a gangster in the end, not a gang leader or some big gangster.

What he can control is only two men who are similar to him in hysterics, provided that neither of them is enough for him to fight. His management model is basically violent intimidation + allowing others to do evil hysterically, so the two men are quite loyal to him.

Let's talk about one of the interesting supporting roles-the second in command of the Viper Gang.

He is the only Viper Gang who has not been slaughtered by Zhang Qian, because Zhang Qian needs him to maintain the entire Viper Gang operation (collecting money and managing the younger brother).

In one of the scenes, he was forced by Zhang Qian to collect protection fees from the bosses on the site, and the protection fees were much higher than before. The boss couldn't pay, and complained to him.
He tried to frighten the boss with his momentum, but he also hoped that the boss could do as required, so as not to be treated with capital punishment by the three Zhang Qian.

He failed. One of Zhang Qian's men pierced the boss's palm with a knife and stuffed him with a lighter.

The second in command looked beside him unbearably.

Later, until Zhang Qian raped his wife, he actually punched and kicked his wife and condemned his infidelity.

Based on his kindness the first time, I thought he would comfort his wife, after all, I can see that he cares about his wife. He really cares, but not the kind of love, more caring about possessively. He saw that the Viper Gang was occupied by Zhang Qian, and his wife was also occupied. Zhang Qian may have achieved what he has always wanted to do but has not completed, and he cannot resist. His wife's rape also allowed him to find an outlet. The wife is weak, and he can find his dignity before the weak.

This second-in-command role is kind and slick, and at the same time bears a little bit of Zhang Qian's shadow.

The most exciting thing about this movie is that each character secretly wrestles with each other, which is actually a mutual wrestling of human nature. You will see from different roles that they are responsible for multi-level human performance. This may be the mapping of that ecosystem to everyone.

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