
Willa 2022-12-16 13:01:17

After all, the discussion is still on the relationship between nature and humans. The magnificent and majestic picture presents the moving and beautiful nature of nature. The melodious and sonorous soundtrack is the icing on the cake; it is in sharp contrast to the mess after the intervention of human beings, as much as possible. Explain the causal relationship between the two from an objective perspective, and sound the alarm for the future. From a documentary point of view, it is undoubtedly a huge success, and "Dolphin Bay" is much more worthy of recognition.
A touching ocean documentary. As a documentary, the film still has a strong axis, from predation in the ocean to companionship, to the mutual exclusion and co-prosperity between man and the ocean, and of course the film's full sustenance of the harmonious coexistence of humans and the ocean. The movie is cute and opened my eyes. There are so many weird marine creatures. The most impressive is the sheep's head wrasse with the longevity of the old brain. The movie even made me want to give up eating seafood. In short, the movie is shocking and more beautiful than ever.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.