On the rationality of logic

Kennith 2022-11-18 21:04:41

First of all, I am a complete Ewan fan. I have basically watched his films. Unless there is no film source, I have never watched this "Incendiary". Looking at the name, I thought it was about war, fighting, and so on. So I didn't have much interest in watching it.
Mainly boring, so I watched it. The movie is mainly about anti-terrorism. The heroine’s child and husband were unfortunately attacked in an Arsenal team game. Two people died at the same time, and the heroine was unacceptable. Of a story. Among them, the role played by Ewan is not the husband of the heroine (hehe). He is playing a reporter. After meeting the heroine in a bar, the two of them are on fire, so our General Administration has harmonized the scenes. These are not important, I mainly want to analyze this movie, the heroine's mentality, in fact, I still can't understand it.

The scenes that appeared at the beginning of the movie were basically the scenes of the heroine and her son getting together on a daily basis, and then there were always memories of going to the beach. Through these shots, the director wants to tell you how much the heroine loves her children. The heroine's husband is a bomb disposal expert, and he feels that his personality is relatively withdrawn, and that he and the heroine are not the kind of people who can understand each other.

Then the camera switched to the hostess seeing the person on the other side through her window. This shot was especially cut to the reporter (played by ewan). After that, the hostess changed clothes and ran to the bar to drink. In fact, the intention was also obvious, she wanted to hook up with men and successfully hook up with reporters. The hostess still has a husband and children, so she hooked up with the reporter.

After the Arsenal team game, her husband and children went to watch the football. The reporter came to her. She and the reporter had an affair at home and watched the game live on TV, and saw the tragic scene happen. OMG, the brain of the screenwriter. I am convinced of the circuit. Then ran to the scene to find her son and husband, and then ignored reporters.

Inexplicably, she continued to read the letters from the hostess to the terrorists. Then the hostess felt sorry for her son and kept shutting herself down until the hallucinations appeared. Did not explain who the child is.

I’m talking about reporters, I’m obviously a playboy, and I’m very dedicated when I see the heroine. Not only did he help the heroine find the murderer, but also waited silently for the heroine. Seriously, at the end of the movie, I really couldn’t watch it anymore. Go down.

I just want to know, what exactly does the screenwriter want to express, rebirth?

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Incendiary quotes

  • Young Mother: [last lines - narration] People thought it was the end of the world. But the world didn't end. So they rebuilt the city in 3 years, stronger and taller. London is a city built on the wreckage of itself, Osama. It's had more come backs than the evil dead. It's been flattened by storms and flooded out and rotted with plague. Even Hitler couldn't finish it off. Death nor flame was like hell, my grandmother said, just one endless sea of flames. But we built on the rubble, and we kept on coming like zombies. I *am* the city, Osama. I am the whole world. Murder me with bombs and I will only build myself again, and stronger. I'm too stupid to know better.

    Young Mother: The Sun says you are an evil monster, but I don't believe in you, and I know it takes two to tango. I know you're vexed at the leaders of the western world. Well I'll be writing to them too.

    Young Mother: [as baby is being born] I know you're a clever man, Osama. Much brighter than me. If I can make you see my son with all your heart for just one moment, I know you would stop making boy-shaped holes in the world - it would make you too sad. Love is not surrender, Osama. Love is furious and brave and loud. You could hear it in the noise my boy made when he played with his cars.

    The Boy: [memory of him playing] Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

    Young Mother: I wish you could have heard him, Osama. That noise is the fiercest and the loudest sound on earth. It will echo 'til the end of time. It is more deafening than bombs. Come to me. Come to me and we'll blow the world back together with incredible noise and fury.

  • Terrence Butcher: At the end of the day, this is a war between two different species. I'm not paid to understand the mind-set, I'm paid to prevent.