The real war wolf. Some people say that some plots of "Wolf Warrior 2" are false, but an employee of China Construction was particularly emotional after watching the movie. This is his letter:

Jaylen 2022-01-24 08:07:08

Beginning on February 15, 2011, anti-government demonstrations broke out in Benghazi, Libya. On February 18, the government forces in Benghazi turned against the water and government agencies were paralyzed. The local area was completely in anarchic chaos. The police no longer maintained order and the criminals escaped from prison. Our camp was ransacked by bandits with guns. The loss was heavy, communications were completely interrupted, and some people were injured. We in the camp, on this isolated island more than 10,000 kilometers away from home where Internet calls are all interrupted and blocked, the way forward is unknown, just like the soldiers about to fight in the American blockbuster, under the surface of pretending to be relaxed is anxiety and nervousness. But I didn't expect the country to start preparing a rescue plan on the first day of the riot. On the evening of the 20th, we boarded a Greek cruise ship leased by the Chinese government, arrived at Crete, and left this place of right and wrong. 1. The day after our camp was attacked, the company leaders risked their condolences to various project departments in a state of chaos and stabilized the military's morale. Our company has more than a dozen project departments in the local area and nearly 10,000 employees. After turning around for at least half a day, the leaders of our company took over the command of the evacuation of overseas Chinese in eastern Libya, and successfully organized all the Chinese people in the eastern region, including our company, to evacuate safely. The overseas leaders of state-owned enterprises have Responsible, the critical moment is really reliable. The evacuees boarded the cruise ship 2. When we encountered riots and organized a retreat, the plot was different from the movie. The Chinese are very united, organized and disciplined, and actively coordinate the relationship between the country and the local tribal elders. When the port is closed, ships are allowed to enter the port at a very fast speed. Chinese ships are the only foreign ships that can enter the port. Then the first group of women boarded the ship, and the second group of ordinary employees and workers boarded the ship, leading the last group to retreat. 3. At that time, a colleague was an American. When the riots first started, he called the US Embassy in Benghazi for help, but until we boarded the ship, the impression of the US government was omnipotent to protect American citizens. , There was no response at all, he still followed us on our cruise and withdrew. Orderly evacuation team 4. When we retreated, we brought out the workers from Bangladesh, Thailand and other countries that we recruited on the construction site. Korean supervisors are usually very strong, but when the riots broke out, the Korean government did not move. In the end, they were taken out by our boat. When I boarded the ship, I saw people from other countries and wanted to climb on the ship, but was driven off by the Greek crew with poles. It was a bit sour and helpless. Later, many of these people were trapped in the local area and died in the war. Especially Africans, their country can’t take care of them at all, because politics There were African mercenaries in the government army. After the opposition seized power, they liquidated the mercenaries and killed many innocent Africans indiscriminately. It’s hard to separate the mighty team on the ship with the Bangladeshi workers. 5. In the movie, Wu Jing holding the national flag through the war zone is not fabricated. At that time, some people evacuated to Tunisia and Egypt by land from the hinterland of Libya. They had to pass through the territory of the opposition and government forces. The Chinese passed through safely with their national flags or Chinese passports. You know, the border between Tunisia and Egypt was closed at that time. However, under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was reopened and allowed only Chinese to pass. The identity was screened by Chinese diplomats. For some people who lost their passports, they were asked to sing a national anthem. China's image and status in Africa are still quite high. 6. The chaos in anarchy, all kinds of crimes and killings are not handled by anyone, it is a nightmare in reality, and will have such a nightmare for a period of time after returning to China. Since the death of Gaddafi, Libya is still in a state of divided warlords and melee. When we boarded the ship, local friends sent us off. The big man cried and said to us that our country is over... The first time we report to our family is safe. We can escape the war, but their homes are destroyed and there is nowhere to go. I hope that our country will never have such a thing happen! Related reading What are the true stories behind "Wolf Warrior 2"? "Wolf Warriors 2", which has a box office of nearly 2.5 billion in 10 days, is a good movie. Why do you say that? I think the most important thing is truth. The truth I said is actually different from what everyone thinks in a broad sense, but the truth of the story in the movie. I always feel that the last line of the film is missing, that is: the film is adapted from a real story. Everyone may find it incredible. Such a story has really happened? I can tell you that not only there are, but also many. Excluding the sublimation of artistic processing in the movie, dialectically speaking, the story in "Wolf Warriors 2" is actually adapted from several events that occurred in the real world. Let me start from the beginning, the following content involves spoilers, please read carefully. 1. At the beginning of the movie, fighting with pirates in the water. This period is actually a few incidents that actually occurred in the Gulf of Aden and some other waters. Of course, the protagonist is not a retired special soldier, but a member of my hidden front who fought fiercely with pirates and terrorists while performing their missions. I don't know if you noticed this detail when watching the movie-the cavity effect of the AK47 launched underwater. Why do so many military enthusiasts and professional soldiers love this movie? It comes from these real detail shots that may only flash by in a second. 2. With the memory of the protagonist Leng Feng, the veteran in "Wolf Warrior 1" encountered forced demolition at the funeral of his comrades-in-arms hometown. This story is very sad, but very true. In the past, similar incidents occurred more than once, but the results were different. I think the reason why this episode can be filmed and screened is to send a signal: Don't let the hero shed blood and tears. 3. After the protagonist recalls, it is the good life in Africa. Make money, dance, party, and fight wine. This wine fight is very real. Drink the serial bomb first, then blow Moutai... Speaking of this, I couldn't get through the bomb array at the beginning of the year, and now I sing with a Moutai bottle, full of memories. However, such a good life did not last long in the movie, but was completely changed with the civil unrest in a certain African country. I think everyone must be shocked to see a certain period of civil unrest in Africa. So there are such things in this world? Yes, there has never been a peaceful age, only the motherland that gives you peace. Similar scenes abound in North Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia... 4. Here I have to talk about the role of the shop owner played by Uncle Yu Qian. When taking refuge in the store, when Leng Feng said that everyone was Chinese, Boss Yu said that I had been a foreigner since last week. Later, when I was in danger, Boss Yu said that I was Chinese. In fact, this is also the common mentality of many Chinese living abroad-when you are in real danger, only your motherland can protect you and guard you. Including the time when the protagonist and his party retreated to the Chinese Embassy, ​​when they boarded the motherland’s warship, and when we heard that after the rescue helicopter came over, the factory manager had forcibly separated the Chinese and African personnel. For the pride of the Chinese. 5. I don’t know if you still remember the phone call on the warship? The Chinese ambassador called the country’s prime minister and asked to send troops to protect the Chinese, but was arbitrarily refused. Just as we were indignant, the picture turned, and the prime minister of that country was actually killed by the rebel leader with a gun against his head, and he was killed if he didn't agree... Similar incidents have happened in reality. In other words, without a strong motherland, even as the country's supreme leader, there is no sense of security. 6. Then, Leng Feng and his entourage came to the hospital in the epidemic area to rescue the trapped Chinese. The fictitious virus in the movie is actually the Ebola virus in the real world. Back then, in order to support the African people in fighting the Ebola virus, we sent countless medical personnel to aid Africa, and the number of Chinese medical personnel who fell on the land of Africa was far more than one... What is the responsibility of a major country? This is called the responsibility of a great power. China has not brought wars and disasters to the land of other countries. What we bring will always be friendship and hope And the future. 7. There are two massacres of Chinese people in the film: one in a hospital in an epidemic area, and another in a Chinese-owned factory. I think these two clips make everyone gritted their teeth, but these stories are also derived from real reality. Here I will not talk about these undecrypted struggles, but will talk about the mentality of the Chinese people. In fact, the Chinese people have a mentality that is rare in the world, that is, even if the compatriots who have nothing to do with and never know, as long as they are killed by natural disasters or slaughtered by foreign races, they will feel sorry and share the same hatred. Don't think that both a country and a nation have this kind of psychology. In the final analysis, this is the sense of belonging and identity of a unified and integrated nation. Including the previously screened "Operation Mekong", we felt the same when we saw the slaughtered Chinese. This is a common perception that only citizens of major countries have. See you, when some countries encounter turmoil, the evacuation of overseas Chinese is slower than anyone else, and one by one shrinks back. And China will do its utmost to bring back all the people at all costs. This is the difference. Just like in the movie, the warships of other countries are retreating, while the Chinese warships are advancing at risk. China has done so in several overseas evacuation operations. We, never give up any compatriots, we want to take all the people outside home. 8. Speaking of this, I think we should talk about the performance of "Secretary Dakang" in this play. He is not as strong as the protagonist Leng Feng in the play, and the booby traps set in front of the factory are easily seen by Leng Feng, but as the plot develops, I have become more and more respectful of this unfailing veteran. Whether it is to protect the entire plant's employees or to change the magazine with one hand after being injured, it all reflects the quality and consciousness that a veteran should have. We admire the veterans, and even more admire the veterans who continue to dedicate their blood to the beloved motherland and people even after being discharged from the army. I remember that there was an 80-year-old veteran who was unable to name his relatives due to illness, but he was able to clearly state the number of the army he had served. In reality, it is the existence of countless such veterans who have spurred our generation to keep moving forward. 9. Where there is a hero, there is a bear. In the movie, the director of a Chinese factory is a representative of them. The forcible division of Chinese and Africans aside, the helicopter came and left the women and children on board. After the crash, they escaped and were born, and they couldn't forget the money box in their arms. I think that it is with such a small character that the film can shape the whole story more rich and full. After all, this is human nature. We can't expect everyone to be heroes, but it is because of them that our protagonists and positive characters grow taller. 10. I also saw some comments on the Internet. Whether it was in "Wolf Warriors 1" or "Wolf Warriors 2," some people said: Have we ever fought foreign mercenaries? This Are these all fictitious? I want to say that we have not only played against them, but also taught them how to behave. As the big villain said in "Wolf Warriors 1", China is a forbidden zone for all mercenaries. This sentence is like the "MiG Corridor" of the year, which was cast by countless martyrs with their lives and blood. The reason why the enemy fears and admires is due to the sacrifice of our heroes. The world has never been safe or peaceful. The reason why you feel peaceful and safe is because someone has blocked the dark outside the country. 11. At the end of the movie, after receiving the order from the motherland, "Director Donglai" issued an order to launch a missile, saving the protagonist and his party who were on the verge of extinction. Remote support is not a story in the movie. Immediately afterwards, the protagonist who came from a desperate situation led the Chinese and African employees of the factory to retreat by car. When encountering a war zone, the protagonist took the lead in throwing down the guns, holding the national flag on his shoulders, and leading the team through smoothly. The two warring parties saw the Chinese flag and the ceasefire gave way. This scene is a real scene that took place during the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya. It is the same as boarding a warship with a handwritten passport in the movie. With the Chinese logo, it is a pass for all disadvantages. As the African warlord always said in the movie, we cannot kill the Chinese. Behind these details, they all reflect the extreme importance of a powerful and respected motherland in the period of extraterritorial wars. Because of this, many viewers applaud spontaneously after watching the movie. The appeal of a hero is always infinite. As our country faces the complicated international situation and is determined to forge ahead in the difficult domestic reforms, such a movie is undoubtedly a shot in the blood of all the people. A handwritten passport is the same when boarding a warship. With the Chinese mark, it is a pass for all disadvantages. As the African warlord always said in the movie, we cannot kill the Chinese. Behind these details, they all reflect the extreme importance of a powerful and respected motherland in the period of extraterritorial wars. Because of this, many viewers applaud spontaneously after watching the movie. The appeal of a hero is always infinite. As our country faces the complicated international situation and is determined to forge ahead in the difficult domestic reforms, such a movie is undoubtedly a shot in the blood of all the people. A handwritten passport is the same when boarding a warship. With the Chinese mark, it is a pass for all disadvantages. As the African warlord always said in the movie, we cannot kill the Chinese. Behind these details, they all reflect the extreme importance of a powerful and respected motherland in the period of extraterritorial wars. Because of this, many viewers applaud spontaneously after watching the movie. The appeal of a hero is always infinite. As our country faces the complicated international situation and is determined to forge ahead in the difficult domestic reforms, such a movie is undoubtedly a shot in the blood of all the people.

People awaiting evacuation
The third project department was overthrown by the mob
ready to go

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