"Wolf Warriors 2": No matter where you are, the motherland will always be your confidence

Kameron 2022-01-24 08:07:08

"Citizens of the People's Republic of China: When you encounter danger overseas, don't give up! Please remember, behind you, there is a strong motherland!" When this line appeared on the big screen, the audience thundered with applause. At that moment, I felt that what Wu Jing wanted to do, the emotions and cores he wanted to express through the "Wolf Warriors" series of movies have been passed to the hearts of the audience, not only the passion and burning of military action films, but also a sense of national pride. Things are rising and fermenting.

More than 4,000 shots, 10 months of filming, and 18 months of Wu Jing's 18 months in special forces, the sincerity of "Wolf Warriors 2" can be seen. Of course, the works presented in the end are also very wonderful, with many elements, but they are not blindly piled up, they may form a strong sense of opposition, or set off each other. Just as we were intoxicated by the natural scenery of Africa, and at the same time shocked by the despair of people in the slums; in the last second everyone danced and laughed around the campfire, praising the love of life, and the next second there was sudden artillery fire, war, rebellion, virus Everywhere, cruelty and beauty coexist.

The action scenes throughout the whole movie are even more magnificent. From the fierce underwater battle at the beginning, to the close combat of cold weapons, to the final tank battle, the excitement is not enough to describe the intensity of the scene! The six battles can maintain such a tense rhythm and strong visual impact. It has to be said that Wu Jing's martial arts foundation coupled with his attitude of excellence, this action scene cannot be unsightly!

The biggest surprise comes from the structure and smoothness of the whole movie. Compared with the first one, Director Wu Jing has made great progress. The setting of the laugh point in the first part is somewhat deliberate, like a joke through the mouth of the character, so the laugh point is like a sticker, which is not compliant with the person, and it is inevitably a bit exaggerated. "Wolf Warrior 2" is much more delicate. The laughs are integrated into the character of the character itself, so it is natural and fun, just like Leng Feng’s godson and his mother, warm and interesting, from time to time to adjust our nervous mood watching action scenes. .

Leng Feng, played by Wu Jing, has also grown a lot. My favorite part in the series of movies is the change and growth of a person. After experiencing major changes in his life, Leng Feng became calm but also sharper. In order to find the whereabouts of his lover, he went deep into war-torn areas in Africa. He is an excellent Chinese special force and a 007-style hero. He has courage and strategy, but he has to face the ups and downs of life. He has the courage to kill and decide, and he also has a soft heart. The emotional scenes in the movie are not the bridge between the beauty and the hero of the American blockbuster, but it makes him more flesh-and-blood.

I would also like to mention two important supporting roles, Wu Gang, who plays the retired veteran Lao He, and Zhang Han, who plays the second generation ancestor. From the film itself, their interaction with the protagonist is of great significance. Lao He and Leng Feng are no longer in the army, but when the motherland needs them, they don't need to put on that uniform. They are bound to shoulder the responsibility of defending their home and country. Just like Leng Feng said, "I was a wolf once, and a wolf all my life!" The second generation ancestor, played by Zhang Han, has also grown up in the fight against the enemy together. The scene of the three of them fighting in a tank is exciting. .

From an actor's point of view, Mr. Wu Gang is worthy of being an old drama player, and there is no shadow of "Dakang Secretary" on his body. Changing the magazine with one hand shows the veteran's energy vividly and vividly. Zhang Han gave me a very different feeling. Before I watched the movie, I always felt that he seemed to be a little different from this movie. The impression of "overbearing pond master" was always lingering, but I didn't expect Zhang Han to be in this movie. The performance of "Bear Boy Rich Second Generation" gives people a feeling of pretending to be guilty. On the contrary, it looks particularly cute in the movie, which also paves the way for his change. I have to say that Director Wu Jing is really good, from the casting of the characters, the development of the plot, to the soundtrack of the scene.

I watched this movie all the way, tears filled my eyes and my heart was surging in several places. When the mercenaries uttered disdain, Leng Feng shouted back: "The fuck is before", when Leng Feng waved the five-star red flag with his arms and went all the way, when these soldiers were desperate and desperate, the heart was shocked. By words, they are well-deserved heroes! If the country is strong, the people are safe. Strong national power and military qualities are the cornerstones for us to enjoy a stable life. Wu Jing is awesome, Chinese soldiers are awesome!

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