
Louvenia 2022-09-23 23:34:30

"Ocean" focuses on the "blue territory" covering three quarters of the earth's surface. French directors Jacques Behan and Jacques Cruzaud will explore this deep and rich mysterious world in depth, fully presenting the magnificent vastness of the ocean. "Ocean" is a documentary with the theme of environmental protection, directed by French director Jacques Behan. The whole film tells about three-quarters of the earth's land covered by the ocean. Director Jacques will deeply explore this deep and rich mystery. The world completely presents the magnificence and vastness of the ocean. The production cost of the film is as high as 7 billion yen (approximately 500 million yuan), setting the highest production cost of a documentary to date. The film will be released in Japan on January 22, 2010. People often describe the earth as a big water ball, because only 30% of the land on the earth, and 70% of the area is covered by sea water. Below the calm sea is a world that is very strange to humans. In this world, all kinds of strange creatures live together. French directors Jacques Behan and Jacques Cruzaud explored this mysterious world in depth, bringing you a different "Ocean". In the film, we can see that once the marine world is protected, it will be full of vitality and full of various life species. Therefore, when mankind develops marine resources, the most important thing is how to distribute and utilize them rationally.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.