I remember that it was more than two years ago, because a case of rape of an underage girl with an official background was finally applied in the court of the crime of prostitution, which is lighter than the sentence for rape of an underage girl. This controversy was pushed to the culmination. At the end of 2015, China finally abolished it. After eighteen years of controversy about the crime of prostitution with underage girls, we spit out a deep breath in our hearts. However, just this month, a certain local government openly invented a "forced prostitution" and confessed the victim’s information. Case briefing announcement? ( Https://baijiahao.baidu.com/po/feed/share?wfr=spider& ;for=pc&context=%7B"sourceFrom"%3A"bjh"%2C"nid"%3A"news_3364482819887191176"%7D">Opening Related links in Weishi County)
Why does the official use the term "forced prostitution" do not know the law? Is it justifying the offender? I feel ridiculous for the former, shameful for the latter, they are using their methods to further hurt Those minors and their families who were victimized.
I hope that our society will improve after the incident . I hope that there will be no such harm in the future.
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