I've seen it, just leave some memory for myself

Hildegard 2022-01-23 08:07:20

Mr. Bean is indeed an excellent actor. I have not even been able to sit down and watch his comedy, but I watched a suspenseful film full of books (actually a serious detective film), submissive. In terms of props, the film really took a lot of thought, we can completely separate Doudou from a comedian, plus lighting and environment, a detective Maigret appeared.

The whole scene is particularly pleasing to the eye. Starting from the static composition at the beginning, the gargoyle on the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral (I don’t know if it should be called that way) is used to show the entire Paris scene, with chase shots and natural shots. Shaking, the frequency is slightly rhythmic, but not dizzy, it is completely technically powerful. The melancholic blue in the background particularly pleases the atmosphere of Paris, and the main character has orange light to illuminate the theme, which is suitable for matching.

There are more than 80 stories in Maigret’s novel rumored by George Simenon. However, the one I have been fortunate to read is not this one. How can there be such a coincidence that you can see how classic detective writers construct a character, and Recount a case. However, the language of the film has almost abandoned the lazy personality and careless performance of the French. The police identities have all been too competent. The only thing that appeared like a French joke was at a party when a group of people were talking about the case. Indifferently said, "Freud would say that this murderer was sexually obsessed, and Freud talked about it as if he was a childhood"-another person said hurriedly, "Thank God, I didn't let Freud do it." This case is all nonsense." However, in the final highlight of the murderous manual machine, this sentence is undoubtedly not confirmed, it is precisely one of the most important themes of the whole show. At the time I saw this, I felt deeply impressed.

The case itself is not too new. It lies in the serial crimes. There is little evidence and the above pressure. The similarity can be equivalent to Jack the Ripper, but the selection characteristics of the perpetrators are not too obvious. So due to the time limit (including the time limit of the movie, you will see a countdown or progress bar when you watch a movie on the computer, and often feel that the most powerful director can always put the final answer to the last few minutes, especially the previous ones. For dozens of minutes, all in a specious cloud and mist) due to pressure.

The process of solving this case is not very exciting, and even some works. I think feminists should have something to say, let the policewoman be a bait. This approach is unacceptable even for Maigret’s wife, let alone tortured with willpower. To be honest, it’s not smart, but it’s very useful. Maigret’s perseverance and determination makes people sweat, but the last person who died was too wronged. Before, I suspected that that person might commit crimes. , According to normal, should also be controlled, at least send a surveillance. However, this detail is not perfect, which makes the story suspense.

The case is solved. There is no sense of joy and accomplishment in other cases, but a sense of relief. The last few steps of Doudou walks, walking in a real style of drama, giving a relaxed, stress-relieving, vivid interpretation, and It was completely different when traveling through the streets before. There was no pretense in this film, and there was almost no costly shots and nonsense. But maybe it looks out of place in today's style, and I didn't get a good score. I think it's good. At least, in the future, I will have a cabbage that can be cultivated for a few years, at least I won't feel anxious to be overwhelmed by a pig. For hobbies, I have always been selfish.

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