When the last compliment

Ayla 2022-10-28 05:39:29

Although Ms is not my favorite doctor, he was already recognized as a doctor at the moment of transformation. My favorite dt has just started and I am not used to several episodes. The small 11 of ms is really a doctor, especially at the end. The leaving Christmas special chapter, the interpretation is incisively and vividly. At this point, everyone is waiting to see how Magic solves the problem of the number of rebirths. The play tells the audience that Xiao 11 is actually the 13th job, and the 12 rebirths have been used up. How the rules are broken, how the doctor continues, how does MS change the rules and become the current pc, this is probably the skill of the screenwriter, watching him send Clara away, staying in Christmas, watching his proud battle guard, watching him old Go, listen to Clara recite the poems in the Christmas cracker, and hear the familiar soundtrack: Now when it comes to the final salute, just as you used to be, the eleventh hour is about to end, and the hands are ringing, pointing to ten. two

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Extended Reading

The Time of the Doctor quotes

  • The Eleventh Doctor: You can't keep using the TARDIS like this.

    Clara: Like what?

    The Eleventh Doctor: Missed birthdays. Restaurant bookings. And please, just learn how to use iPlayer.

  • Clara: How can a town be called Christmas?

    The Doctor: I don't know. How can an island be called Easter?