Analysis of the murderer's explosive spot and the resumption of the detective dismantling.

Angie 2022-01-23 08:07:20

1 detective, 7 civilians, 2 werewolves, 1 accomplices and slaughter bureau.
Synopsis: After the werewolves slaughtered 5 people, the detective found all the werewolves on the last day.

Analysis of the murderer's explosive point:
A. He didn't ask why he came to investigate until he was taken away, showing that he knew the detective's intentions in his heart. Normal people should come up and ask.
B. When asked about the clothes materials, he admitted without identifying them, and appeared to speak with eyes open. Because he knew that the cloth was ripped off from him. From the perspective of a normal person, you should take a closer look.
C. The suit is missing by coincidence, and the reason for throwing away the suit is that the collar of the suit was ironed. Who smokes will burn the collar of other people's suits? This statement is obviously unreasonable, and it is more like a compilation. If a werewolf wants to conceal his behavior, he has to formulate more lies and excuses, and they will inevitably be unnatural and unreasonable.
D. The murderer lied about the suit scalded by cigarette butts and found the murder weapon. A good person will not lie unless the reason is very, very good.

How was his wolf companion discovered?
The injury of the last deceased was obviously different from the previous ones, indicating that it was not done by the same person.
The crime happened after the suspect was arrested . The purpose of this crime was obviously to tell the police that they had caught the wrong person and failed to protect the wolf companion. And this murderer is not the previous murderer,
but he knows what kind of knife the murderer used, and this detail has never been disclosed by the police. Therefore, the detective locked the murderer of the last case and the range of people who knew the murderer.
By asking the suspect for details, see through the accomplice and the real murderer. Through strong speech and logic, let the murderer recognize the bandit.

This film does not have the gorgeous personal reasoning show of Conan or Holmes, but requires the audience to interpret it by themselves. Everything is in front of everyone, which is why this is a good movie.
The detective insists on his own reasoning, perfects his own logical chain, and sets traps everywhere in the dialogue with the suspect. I think the title has two meanings, one refers to the initial trapping, and the other refers to the logical trap set by the detective during the dialogue with the murderer.
While everyone was guaranteeing that this person might be a good person, the detective insisted on his judgment, solved the case at the last minute, and completed the turnaround.

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