What RU Looking for-2

Jimmie 2022-12-29 04:45:30

When I was 20 years old, I also saw similar scenes. Scenes of urban landscapes were reflected on the protagonist's young face. She returned to the familiar city, with scarred memories, and vowed to set off a new bloody storm. Her expression was a bit tired, but it was more of indifferent in her prime. The song in my ear is "Young Folks", the famous face is Blake Lively, and the TV is "Gossip girl". At that time she was still one of the most famous girls in the world, and you haven't had a relationship with the world.
Ten years later, it was almost the same mirroring, Grand Central Station transformed into San Francisco, and Taxi was a young man with a tired face. The driver asked, how does it feel to be back this time? He will answer and ask me again in two days, maybe there will be an answer at that time. Before the end of this TV series last year, the audience ratings were about 0.4, but those who like it are cherished in the palm of their hands. I couldn't answer the sponsor's question, so it ended in a hurry, but the director said that I will make another movie for you next year, which will make you feel relieved. So he used such an opening, and put it in the national drama of the 90s, it would be accompanied by a song "Awake from Dream".

Bringing the wound back to the city where I was betrayed, the only one who sheltered me was my own shadow.

Of course, today, Patrick is not a lonely individual. He is greeted by his own old friends where he settles. Denver does not seem to be a place to come. Everything is not like a short weekend trip, but a return. For example, "Looking" must eventually happen, and it must happen in this city-San Francisco.
When you are
30, what kind of people will stay with you? This is an unforeseen problem. Two people, three people, who were bragging and shirking yesterday, will go their separate ways tomorrow. They said that when the fate is exhausted, it will be exhausted. No matter how small a city is, and how close you live, you still can't find it. You can't meet it in an ambush on all sides, and you can't meet it when you walk left to right.
This episode seems to be a sign of parting, forThe group of friends in China. Doris said, ah, you can’t think of it. I’m really a straight person now. I participate in activities of straight guys. Dom. I thought I would never have a child in my life. If I did, I should have a baby with you. Want to have a child; Dom has closed himself since Lynn, and it is rare to enjoy the sex radar anymore. He runs his own catering dreams. He is afraid that if he violates the sexual precepts, his dreams will also be broken. How stubborn and superstitious is because people are in it. There is no capital to afford to lose in the year; Agustin wants to get married but is afraid of getting married, afraid of becoming the most anti-person like Neil Patrick Harris, shouldn’t my 30-year-old be free and powerful, to live with the most talented people in the world Like all artists...marriage, children, career, and life after 30 are quickly filled with new roles. The so-called bachelor party is like a dance floor spreading youthful songs-bye bye young friends, tears shed. The words that have been said are gone with time.

Andrew Haigh said that this drama is an answer to fans who are still thinking about it. After the premiere, several people stood in line. This funeral drama, which lasted for three years, has a seemingly Happy Ending ending. What if the answer is attributed to whom Patrick was with in the end? This play gave a temporary answer; however, Andrew’s cleverness is that we are talking about people after all, unsure people, imperfect floating people, so he temporarily answered this burning eyebrow question. However, the answer is still hesitant. Like you like me.
Do you think all the men and women who say I Do in front of the church are as strong and sincere as they are going to die? I don't think so.

The re-encounter with Kevin was for Patrick to give himself a perfect tense, but there was too much in his throat. Andrew didn't even write the scene lightly and talked about an astronomy book, but rather tense and affectionate. The affection here actually comes from Kevin. I don't know how many people have experienced a dinner after the old lover's farewell for many years, chatting about some innocent days, talking like walking the Huarong Road, and concentrating on bypassing the mines. Such two people had no memory in their hearts, at least when they met again, the dust settled and they didn't want to tie the knot. This is the Close the Chapter that Patrick hopes to achieve. However, Kevin broke everywhere:

Fuck you. How'd you know I wouldn't keep it. Anyway, that's not why we broke up. We weren't right for each other.

No, no no, no, no, no, no . How do you know that? I just did. I... I do.

But you-- you didn't even try. You didn't even try. You moved in one day, you moved out the next. You didn 't even fucking unpack.

Listen, I admit that I handled that horribly, Yes, but I apologize for that.And... (sighs)Isn't it better to quit rather than drag out something that you know won't work ?

Okay, well, in a nutshell, there's your problem.

You, you, you. You quit, you run away. You don't take risks, ever

. You and ex reunited and said that you understand what kind of life you want. I heard that you have found a new little fresh meat as a subordinate. By the way, you also said that even if you control Chris Pratt, there is no problem. As a result, you post! angry! Up!

This drama ends here. It wasn't about growing up or spending a good time, it's just that he succeeded and he didn't. Gay rights, gay evolution, gay gay internal differentiation, these laces are nothing more than the same. In the end, gays are all mortals, and they all need to get the same result by different routes.

You all said that Patrick’s Happy Ending is about holding hands with Ritchie and getting love. However, I think that his Happy Ending is the last kiss of unhappy Kevin. He lowered his eyebrows and said, I love you. Leaving you, go to London to live a tepid life with a dull wife, leave the best to you, and admit that I love you so dearly in those days when you loved me.

I also admit that in these days, you gradually forget me, and when I gradually become your talker and joke of your ordinary life, I still love you.

I am not in any echelon. I am not a fan of CP. I believe that 30-year-old Patrick does not need to be with Kevin to look like this. However, what I understand is that as the lens gradually zooms out, every person in life who once considered important will leave. As for you, you will not grow beautifully on the 18-year-old track. But you have loved and been loved deeply. This is the answer we are waiting for.

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