Eating sugar is really addictive

Georgianna 2022-10-07 04:06:23

After watching this documentary, I suddenly realized that eating sugar is really addictive.
The director formed a team, mainly doctors and food scientists, and then experimented with himself. He only ate food equivalent to 40 spoons of sugar a day for two consecutive months and recorded his own body changes. The conclusions are as follows:

1. Foods with the same calorie and different sources have different effects on the body. In the experiment, the 40 scoops of sugar that the director ate every day produced the same amount of calories as the calories eaten before the experiment, but after 60 days, he gained weight, accumulated fat in the liver and decreased function. After the experiment, the director’s recipe was replaced with lipoproteins and fresh vegetables, and the body returned to health. This shows that it is unscientific to measure the effects of food on the human body only by calories. In fact, it is an important marketing tool for food manufacturers to emphasize the role of calories while ignoring others.
2. Sugar intake can damage the liver. Sucrose is the most common sugar in food. Sucrose enters the human body and is broken down into 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Glucose can be converted into energy in the liver, while fructose cannot be processed by the liver and enters the blood. Insulin is then secreted to store sugar. Excess sugar is converted into fat and accumulates in the liver and elsewhere in the body. When the blood insulin content is high, the cells will not burn fat as a source of energy, further aggravating fat accumulation. If fatty liver develops, diabetes may develop without control.
3. Sugar can cause addictive symptoms and make people emotionally unstable. Seeing sweets, the brain secretes dopamine and urges them to eat them. When the sugar that is eaten enters the brain, exciting chemicals are secreted, and it feels like drugs and sex. But the feeling of excitement will not last long, so after the depression, there will be a desire to eat sweets.
4. Regarding scientific research on the effects of sugar on the human body, food manufacturers will certainly create a tendency of public opinion. It can be imagined that this is the case. A certain scientist's research topic is that sugar has no obvious side effects on the human body. Food manufacturers discovered this topic and provided funding. In this way, scientists are completely autonomous in their research, and food manufacturers have not interfered with scientists' research. If the final research results are established, businessmen will definitely propagate them, otherwise they will ignore them. This can influence public opinion on sugar. If the reporter investigates, there will be no evidence of collusion between the scientist and the food dealer.
5. The director only conducts experiments on his own, and there are no other parallel experiment samples, so he cannot fully prove the conclusion that "sugar is harmful to health". But I usually eat a lot of sugar. The director's inattention during the experiment and the feeling of satisfaction after eating sugar are all symptoms, so I still plan to reduce the sugar intake.

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