I don't want to ruin slowly

Jeff 2022-01-24 08:03:44

After watching the film, watching other people's film reviews were all about obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I only knew that the little girl had a mental illness.

However, when I was watching a movie, I didn't think the little girl had a mental illness. I thought she was a child full of imagination and talent, but she was struggling because she was not understood. At the beginning of the film, the "rule" environment of "can't do that, can't do this" is explained. Just like the world of adults, everyone wants to be different, but if someone is different, everyone will stand up and criticize the same.

The teacher in the film said: At a certain moment in your life, you open your eyes and see your true self, especially the bits and pieces that make you different and different from all living beings. You will say to yourself, "I am such a person."

And the little boy who wants to play the Queen of Hearts in the film seems to be telling us to be ourselves and do what we want to do.

I especially envy the little boy. He firmly believes that "there are no obscure characters, only obscure actors." When he was ridiculed, he did not have any frustration. That's because he doesn't waver, believe in himself in his unmoved heart. I think that the sacred will never be defiled, and those defiled are because they are not sacred enough.

I often think that a thing is good-looking, and then when others say it is ugly, it will be shaken, knowing that everyone’s aesthetics are different. , But when the second person and the third said, they believed that this is ugly. So I asked myself: Is that true, is it really ugly. . .

Phoebe, who is different but dare not act, is entangled and struggling with reality. She said "I don't want to ruin it slowly, but I can't help it". She realized that she was different, and she was subjected to various loads due to her differences. I was thinking that she was catering to reality, but she felt that she was ruining her own differences. This is also my resonance.

I don't know if my understanding is correct, but this movie gave me a lot of encouragement, even though I often shake like Phoebe. Everyone thinks that they are different, but why in the end everyone becomes one of the many beings? Maybe it's because the more people grow up, the less they dare to imagine, and the more and more they accept the rules.

I often do something suddenly, such as taking a photo or drawing, and then a roommate will ask me why I do it. Who is it for? Is it paid? Homework? I dare not answer: because I just want to do it. I really want to do it as simple as that. I have no purpose and want to do what I want to do well, that's it. Those are not my ambitions, but the way I get along with loneliness.

At the end, the caterpillar asks: You, who are you? At the time, Phoebe looked at the camera with a smile, as if asking the viewer.

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Extended Reading

Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.