"Mangohorn": Fragmented Lonely

Alvena 2022-01-24 17:48:12

A closed person’s heart is lonely, because he has experienced too many things and people, and it is difficult to deal with even basic social interaction. It is not that he does not know how to do it, but is clear and unwilling to do it. He would rather choose to escape the world. I don't want to let myself get rid of the predicament of being alone. I don't know if I have adapted to such an environment or if I am used to being immersed in loneliness. The plot of the movie is very trivial, like eye-filled fragments, difficult to piece together, difficult to connect, even the development of the story plot is spliced ​​according to the development of the timeline, to show a person's aimless and trivial life, this is the life. , We can feel the character’s loneliness, the desire to get rid of loneliness is so strong that people feel that they want to be relieved, but time after time brave attempts have been beaten back to the prototype by reality. Compared with the silence of reality, we choose to keep ourselves The persistence of memories and the closure of one's heart have become the creed and pillar that one can continue. We can calm down and slowly enjoy Al Pacino’s performance. Although the meticulous and trivial performance is not very suitable for his performance, he can still show us in the movie that a sophisticated old man is rejected. A lonely old man thousands of miles away, he is no longer a simple symbol, but a true reaction of a group, no matter what he did when he was young, how crazy he is, but once he gets older, his inner loneliness is very Deep and three-dimensional, they are unwilling to express, nor do they want to express, leaving a bit of peace, but complete loneliness, and what can temporarily soothe their hearts is the constant watch and the memories of the past.

The director set the plot of the story to be messy and trivial as ordinary old people, the chaotic plot, the setting of substitution, and the strong insertion of the lens, so that the protagonist of the movie is like a bystander. The isolated person is transparent. People who are not paying attention, from a series of feelings, the loneliness and loneliness are constantly hitting people. The repression is emitted from the inside out in the movie. The loneliness of a person seems to come from the heart of the whole person. The life of the villain in the market has been interpreted by the actors to make people feel embarrassed. Sometimes we can even find that the people in the play seem to have a lot of shadows on us. The more detailed the taste of this movie, the more intense it feels. The hard-to-change circumstances and the memories that exist in our hearts are all about the sustenance that people can’t let go of after being tortured by loneliness. Because there are so many who can’t let go of the past, it is difficult for people to grasp the happiness in front of them. Sometimes they are even afraid of breaking the role of this lonely person, afraid of losing their sense of existence, and prefer to enjoy the loneliness of a person. However, the film did not carry loneliness and indifference to the end. Instead, the director gave the film a good hope and encouraged people to move forward in such a hope. In fact, the director also gave himself a hope and made himself deceptively thinking that it would. A person who loves himself is waiting for himself. All he needs is to let go of his past memories and actively face the new life in front of him, which is the so-called forgetting the past and facing the future. Every character in the movie is lonely. They live in a false environment created by them to deceive others and deceive themselves. Only when they are truly isolated and helpless do they realize that they are only alone and they can only rely on. For myself, the idea of ​​film creation is negative, although the ending gives a positive fantasy, but from the film itself, the story is a sad story. There is no so-called beauty or happiness. Some only have the courage to dare. The determination to face and change, judging from the performance of the film, this is very positive.

Al Pacino once again brought us a wonderful performance. His knowledge of the destiny really brings a fatalistic and indifferent attitude to the character. We can feel the ignorance and ignorance behind the sophistication. I know what to do, and I know that everyone behind my life has been calm and negative, without the so-called passion and bravery, and only the silent face and the loneliness of a person. Director David Gordon Green’s delicate thoughts make the life in the movie more real than real life. The expression of the characters’ emotions and the verbose structure of the script are all derived from the examination of real life. , The lonely world created by it makes people feel that happiness is really hard-won, but our pursuit of happiness is always stagnant. Everyone knows that only by letting go of the burden can we pursue life, and we can let go of the burden on our body. How many people are there to pursue life?

The film is very easy-going and freehand. From a personal point of view, it focuses on depicting the personal psychological world. The dazed and helpless, the delicate and very sensitive emotions all reveal the delicate and uniqueness of the movie script. It does not. Deliberately pursue direct expression of ideas, but use tactful and sophisticated means to attack side by side, which shows the secular characteristics of the story, and implicitly expresses the thoughts and feelings that you want to express, and the whole story is to express a kind of inner heart. Feelings. Everyone has a lonely taste. Everyone is lonely. The more trivial things can reflect the feelings to be expressed, and the film is to fill the lonely heart of the characters through a series of trivial plots.

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Manglehorn quotes

  • A.J. Manglehorn: You look great. Like a racehorse.

  • [first lines]

    A.J. Manglehorn: Manglehorn, who are we locking?