Goodbye raggedy man

Aisha 2022-09-07 23:10:31

Knowing that Xiao 11 is leaving, so I haven't watched the Christmas special. In s705, you said that you would not read the last page when reading, because you don't like ending, so do me.

Until s801, you suddenly popped out and made the call that spanned time and space. If you think about it, you should tell the individual. You are also my favorite doctor. Although DT is handsome, somehow I still prefer your ugly and cute face. I like you jumping up and down all day, crazy. Like you and Amy teasing around, like you flirting with River.

I always feel that you don't need to say goodbye, you can leave with a flutter and wave, and you don't need to make a tragic drama like the 10th.

Magicte thought so too, so he placed you in a small town called Christmas, one hundred years, two hundred years...slowly getting older, with all your enemies above your head. There are no friends, no lovers, no fighting, only waiting, waiting for death. I almost couldn't help laughing when you finally uttered a cannon at the sky and danced. It's really your style. I remembered that it was the same when you first appeared. You finally got rid of the aliens. You called them back after a phone call, and then babbled a lot of them against the sky. In fact, you just wanted to say, the planet is protected...

but wait. You have hallucinations when you are born again, you see childhood and adult amelia in the hallucinations, when you touch Amy’s face and say goodbye, when you wink and say
"I will not forget one line of this,

not one day, I swear.

I will always remember when the doctor was me"

I am still touched. Magic is really a control freak, and loves to manipulate the emotions of the audience too much, but I never win the trick.

Thank you MATT, thank you for taking three years to create such a doctoral image, thank you for jumping up and down in the past three years, and acting stupidly. Goodbye Amelia's raggedy man.

I Will always remember when the doctor was you!!!

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Extended Reading

The Time of the Doctor quotes

  • The Eleventh Doctor: You can't keep using the TARDIS like this.

    Clara: Like what?

    The Eleventh Doctor: Missed birthdays. Restaurant bookings. And please, just learn how to use iPlayer.

  • Clara: How can a town be called Christmas?

    The Doctor: I don't know. How can an island be called Easter?