The barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes

Isac 2022-12-04 14:18:01

Strange dad finally gave a red book to Strange Flower. Some people say it’s incredible. I think it’s a good time to be a dad. When the strange dad finally sends it away, it can harm others.
Why did the brainless resistance of Qihua's son respond to so many people, because everyone is dissatisfied and needs to be expressed just for catharsis. As for the purpose of Qihua's kidnapping the principal to cause revolution, haha, what to do with them. Look at the old lawyer, the lawyer woman, and the classmates who came to know that, in fact, everyone's purpose is completely different. Through this matter, everyone is angry and feels that there is no need to be responsible for a few ruthless words. As the principal said, people like to live a free and undisciplined life, but hope that the various supporting services they need can be delivered home. This is inherently a paradox. It's all fucking sloppy on strike, and I want all kinds of clothes to stretch out my hands and open my mouth.
The strange flower is used to the stepmother married by the fascist father (this stepmother did a good job, kindness...should be spoiled...have such a strange and stupid son), hungry him twice and take a look (at the beginning, he When she ran away from home, she said that she would be peeed on the street, and the strange flower hurriedly took the money. As soon as her mother said to do what he likes to eat, he promised to go home for dinner. He was not weaned yet, so my father gave it away cruelly Go to India to see)
Why does the wonderful father give his son a red book? I think his father should also have a lot of dissatisfaction with his family, life, and society. He is just forced to settle down with the status quo in his business. Who does not have the heart to resist, but who will let Fascist father take care of the family's meals (and still Such a mindless son and daughter). Anyway, the scourge of the exotic flower will be sent away far away. My father only asks that the exotic flower does not cause trouble to his own factory and family.

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The Trotsky quotes

  • Dwight: What if I went straight to Berkoff and told him what you guys are planning?

    Leon: I held a press conference, Dwight. I'm pretty sure he already knows.

  • Frank McGovern: He wants the school board commissioner to allow the kids to unionize and safe passage to Venezuela... that was a joke.

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