Dear Honey

Hans 2022-01-20 08:04:47

When I found Xi Duo that day, it was already very late. Take a taxi to Lane 134, Section 3 of Xinyi Road, and then follow the number plate to fumble along the alley. At the end of the road, I turned around and looked around, only to find that "Xiduo Coffee Beans" was written on a dark pink light box wrapped in the night opposite me. At the corner at the end of Lane 134, this light box is extremely secretive. And I can hardly tell if my heartbeat is due to panting or nervousness, only subconsciously walking along the dark brick road to the store door.

My intrusion interrupted the Taiwanese chat between the owner and his wife and an arbor. The three of them turned their eyes to me. I looked cramped, my bangs stuck to my forehead, my cheeks flushed, but I looked straight at the shopkeeper behind the bar.

"I want a latte."
"Sorry, we don't sell coffee here, we only sell coffee beans."
"Ah...but we still sell coffee a few years ago." Uncontrollable excitement condensed in my chest, and I was ready to express it.

"So... are you Mr. Lin Hongming?" The
shopkeeper's wide, gentle eyes were polite and doubtful.
"Have you played Honey in "Guling Street Juvenile Murder" twenty years ago?"
That's it, the reason I came to Xiduo.

In 1991 "Guling Street Juvenile Murders", there are many big names and big names in the future, but only the limping teenager in navy uniform, Honey, has entered our hearts. The fame of God's work is very strong, but I didn't have the patience to finish it until I studied film major in college. The most piercing time was the projection that I watched with her and her nest together. The three of us that year were no longer college classmates. I flew back to Beijing on my birthday so that everyone could meet.

So, that afternoon until late at night, "Guling Street" was kept in the living room with the curtains closed. Honey leaned against the window and quietly recalled his years in Tainan: He asked him to rent him the thickest martial arts novels. In the novel, all the people in the city have their heads up, but there is an old bag who tries to stop Napoleon by himself, only to be cut off by the sliver. When Honey spit out the title of the book "War and Peace", the living room was so quiet that only his breath was left. The three girls greedily touched his melancholy and fuzzy face with their eyes. Honey brought his share of idealism that does not belong to this world to death. He stubbornly believes that "In fact, the people who used to be, and the people who have come out to mix with us are really similar."

In "Gu", the soul of the whole film is held. The character halo Honey, but the scenes are pitiful. There are a total of three games, all of which have been carefully chewed frame by frame. The love for him was surging to death. It was obviously the Taibao boss who was the best at fighting, but it was so romantic in his bones. The most terrible thing was that he was very beautiful, and when he laughed, he was so gentle and dumbfounding. He is a perfect young man who came out of Yang Dechang's spiritual world, so he is so touching, and I, who had never watched the whole film of "Gu" in Girls' Generation, can engrave every small eye in his every gesture when I close my eyes.

In the age of Google without secrets, it is not difficult to find a young actor who started from that year. Unexpectedly, I searched the Internet and found very little information. After "Guling Street", he only appeared in one episode of "Life Show: A City in the Sky" produced by Taiwan Public Television. Other than that, there was no news. But it is hard for me to be satisfied with this. Then I found out that after he quit the film industry, he opened a coffee shop called "Xiduo" next to the Municipal Library in Da'an District, Taipei. Guests who have been there wrote in their reviews, "There is a cool hand-press coffee pot in the store hidden in the residential area. The owner said that he can also use a double-handled wine corkscrew to squeeze out the coffee oil." The

owner...that's it. Is it a navy boy?

Among the three, the girl who was the most active, went to Taipei alone in the summer when we revisited "Guling Street" with projection, and also found "Xido". After she came back, she told us that she touched the shop one afternoon. The shop was very small. She drank coffee by herself, met Honey and also saw Honey's newly born son.

and after? I eagerly asked, what has become of Honey? Why does he stop filming?
She was very calm: "Honey is still the Honey. But he is also Lin Hongming."

I thought-when I stand in front of him one day, I will impulsively say to him the phrase "You know me" that has been brewing countless times. How obsessed with the Honey you played 20 years ago?" I also thought that Lin Hongming in reality would not remember my best friend who visited him with the same mood as me. The fact is, I didn't say that, but he remembered that visit.

Four years have passed since my friend came to "Xiduo" last time. I gathered the courage to come here and looked at Honey's middle-aged face.

He was very surprised, but all smiles.
"Ah, so you also read that Beijing...drama...?"
"Beijing Film Academy." It

seems that the past and this life were opened up in an instant-the teenage role I have loved so much, Taiwanese movies, and the best youth. It was as if an old coin was thrown into the bottom of the lake that belonged to it with a "plop", with a clear tone.

"Xiduo", which is mainly engaged in wholesale business, now only sells coffee beans, but the gentle Mrs. Lin still made a cup of coffee for me. Fear and trepidation I put on the cup, looked at Honey brought out from the back room will have four years to go jump baby son, smiled and introduced "This is a small Honey friends."

In the end there is still wondering: "Why did not continue filming? '

Wear Honey, who was wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt with a wedding ring and a jade necklace, replied, "Because I fell on my leg when riding a motorcycle when I was young. In fact, six directors came to me at the same time after the filming of "Gu", but there was no way...but Because of this, I met my wife."

"Do you feel regretful?"
"In the beginning, there will be. is like this. It's really many, many years ago." I

suddenly understood what she had said." Honey is still the Honey."

He is indeed Honey, and indeed Lin Hongming, a young star who has not yet risen. He walked into his ordinary life, opened a favorite coffee shop, and lived his life in peace. Later, I felt that the director Yang Dechang in the movie was so beloved that he was willing to personally dub Honey. If his life didn’t end so short, he would have been a melancholy teenager who read "War and Peace". After a few years, he finally When retiring after becoming a legend of the rivers and lakes, there will probably be a coffee shop like this one: "Xiduo" with hand-pressed coffee pots, different varieties of coffee beans, and herbal teas.

Before leaving, I bowed to the couple and thanked them. After thinking and thinking, "Thank you for letting me walk out of Guling Street", the hypocritical sentence that I wanted to tell Honey, I swallowed it back.

(Abridged edition published in Southern People Weekly)

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