Life is burdened to move forward

Blake 2022-01-22 08:03:19

Many people are feeling'this is life'. I admit that I don't know what they want to express. Let me talk about my feelings after reading it.
Every story in the movie is more or less connected. The connection is not important. The world can be very big or small, depending on how you grasp it. Everyone has their own past or future. We all carry our own baggage and baggage. Those who make us feel tired and think we cannot bear the weight of life, in fact, we are all silently taking it, and then life moves on. Your past and your background have left a mark on your life. No matter where you go or what choices you make, these baggages will affect you for the rest of your life. What then? Then you continue to live, move on. No other then.

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Extended Reading

Nine Lives quotes

  • Henry: There's nothing more real than a mirage.

  • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

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