A stone, an eagle

Jalyn 2022-01-23 08:02:56

The stone says: How to keep a drop of water from drying up?

Three years of retreat failed to solve this problem, and Tashi was just repressed, but failed to transform. (The first opportunity for liberation was missed)

Lotus mother gave comfort and guidance, but Zhaxi failed to liberate and let go, but instead increased his troubles, struggling between prohibition and indulgence. (The second missed opportunity for liberation) The

retreat old monk told Tashi two things: first, desire to kill is the truth of reincarnation, and second, the touch is the dojo. Touch is not the same as desire. Three years of non-touch does not mean no desire. Really no desire will not escape from contact. So Tashi did the opposite of Sakyamuni, riding a horse and leaving the dojo in the middle of the night to experience the red dust. He chose the latter but forgot the former. (The third missed opportunity for liberation)

("The place where the touch is the dojo" comes out of the Shurangama Sutra 25-Yuantongzhang's sensation and enlightenment: "Bathabhara and his companion (Yunyun) White Buddha language. I waited before the time of the King Buddha. . Hearing the law. When encountering a monk bath. Suddenly understand the cause of the water. When bathing. Touch the water with the body. Touch the body with the water. The middle is hot and cold. It is the reason for this contact. Why does it happen? If you talk about it. There is yeah by washing the dust and dirt. Then the dust is ruthless. How can it be touched. It is not touched by washing the dust. If there is yeah by washing the consciousness of the root of righteousness. Then the body of awareness. It is not washing. Yes. It also does not touch the body because of washing. Push the dust and push the body. Between the two yokes. Be at ease. Get nothing. To touch the dust. There is no place to come. Since then, you will realize the wonderful truth like nature. So in the prestige time, I have already got it. Seeing the truth. Transformation from the Buddha today. You have no learning. The past is the original heart. Now you have a deep position. The name of the Buddha is Bhadhabhara. From now on, when you touch it, you will touch the dojo. Touching the Bodhi. And the magical touch is declared. Live. The Buddha asked Yuantong. As I have proved. The touch is on.”) After

experiencing all kinds of things in the world, Tashi’s desire not only failed to be liberated, but continued to grow, until he received Master’s last words: the next life is still in reincarnation. Tell me when we meet, which is more important? Satisfy one's own a thousand desires, or defeat one? Asked to wake up the dreamer. So Tashi imitated Sakyamuni again, abandoned his wife and children in the middle of the night, and embarked on the old road back to the temple, without thinking about how to overcome "that one" forever and keep this drop of water from drying up forever? (The fourth missed opportunity for liberation)

However, Lianmu had already waited for him and told him the story of Sakyamuni’s wife, Yasudhara, so Tashi was shaken again, admitting that he still belonged to the family and could not understand Wife’s deep meaning: The Buddha is not at the temple, nor at home. (Fifth missed opportunity for liberation)

Just when Tashi thought that his wife would go back with him, his wife disappeared like a dakini, leaving behind the Buddhist altars for him to practice steadily. Tashi remorse, and the wife he fled from is the ultimate wisdom he wants to realize. The title "Reincarnation" is a mirror shot of Tashi who turned a blind eye and ran away from home and temple.

How can a drop of water not dry up? Let him flow into the ocean. Like the lotus mother teaches her children: the branches eventually flow into the sea.

Satisfy one's own a thousand desires, or defeat one? Use a thousand ways to defeat this one, or let this one turn into a selfless obedience to the thousand desires of sentient beings? Like lotus mothers, adopt a group of helpers who are not needed, or let Tashi and the Indian girls enjoy the joy of fish and water naturally, or let go of Tashi and allow him to abandon his home and practice.

The eagle smashed the sheep to liberate him, and Lianhua Daxing cut off Tashi's future as a monk, but finally made him look up and see the blue sky.

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Samsara quotes

  • Apo: [his last letter to Tashi] I realize now that my task is not over, and so I will be returning to Samsara. I know that we shall meet again. Perhaps when we do you will be able to tell me what is more important: satisfying one thousand desires or conquering just one.

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