The gains and losses of montage

Vita 2022-01-24 17:48:17

Using one mistake to punish another wrong plot concept is very brilliant; the character setting of the offender and the victim in the Shen case's reprinted another case 15 years later is also a bright spot. The suspense of whether it is a "serial crime" or "imitating crime" has been stripped and shredded in the progress of the plot, and it has indeed substituted the rhythm of "montage". So I prefer the literal translation of the film's title "Montage", because the film benefits from the montage technique in the narrative structure.
At the same time, it is a "montage" expression that the film is also lost in details: after watching the film, I always feel that something is missing. If you think about it, it should be that the character image is flat and not full. The main character's inner entanglement, and the mental journey of standing up to evil is not expressed-the "grandpa", the murderer of the Shen case, questioned "Have you ever raised a child?" during the interrogation, has revealed the motive of the crime. But the film did not portray the psychological process from contradiction to resoluteness that he harmed the innocent in order to save his own child; the victim in the sinking case, the miserable and helpless mother turned into a calm and meticulous murderer, she and How the motherhood and cold-bloodedness of the kidnapped child are balanced and intertwined during the coexistence and so on. These psychological contradictions are very dramatic, and you can switch between several sharp shots to complete the auxiliary narrative, and contribute to the establishment of characters and intensification of contradictions.
Grandpa, the original author of "Perfect Crime". He was involved in the risk of kidnapping and retiring with a ransom in order to treat his seriously ill daughter, which shows his high IQ and deep emotions. Therefore, in the process of being kidnapped by the "copy crime" fifteen years later, he relied on his granddaughter's emotions, familiarity with the modus operandi, and his high IQ, and he could and must explode to interact with the kidnappers. In this way, both sides are a counter-attack after transposition, and the battle of wits during this period should greatly enhance the tension and appreciation of the film. And all of this, such as the use of montage techniques, to subtly display the detailed contrast between his active implementation and passive implementation, which can be called the finishing touch.
Therefore, the gains and losses of the film "Montage" are precisely the montage of the structure but the montage of the details.
A few more complaints:
1. Fifteen years ago, criminals mingled in uniformly dressed soldiers. The bridge section to complete the collection of ransom on the platform was designed ingeniously. However, after the criminals succeeded, they chose to separate themselves from the crowd, which is a "protective color". To escape and hide is really difficult, unbelievable! Is he going to challenge the degree of difficulty of the operation; or is he challenging the low-level mistakes of the police who do not control the train station strictly?
2. The granddaughter was rescued, wouldn't it be reported who kidnapped her?
3. The bank will only give an umbrella to the VIP customers in response to the real-name system. Really stingy; the consequences of selling citizens’ personal information by banks are indeed serious...

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