Global Warming

Evangeline 2022-01-23 08:03:28

I just told my classmates yesterday: I'm not interested in documentry.
But at the time of lunch today, I looked for a movie and saw this movie at a glance. The keywords in my mind are America, movies, travel, and then look at the theme of the film and the magnificent pictures, and start watching. It turns out that I love nature and nature documentaries are very attractive.
Dream, pursue it if you have a dream, may never come true, then what does it matter? Even if you have family, children and parents, you can still pursue your dreams.
Dreams will pay a price. No one forces you to choose. If you choose, you must stick to it. Don’t be knocked down if your dream fails. You work hard. No one stipulates that your dream must succeed. No one stipulates that you must die if you fail in life. I have my own life. I don’t copy other people’s lives. I live a unique life with a clear conscience. That’s enough.

When you are wasting electricity and water, you have thought that the powerful and fragile glaciers are retreating quietly, and maybe someday it may bring about the movement of the continental plates. The Ya'an earthquake caused by the movement of the Asian-European continental plate last time turned into a cloud of smoke in a blink of an eye.

When you are frustrated with your parents, you may have thought that your parents are already old, and you see less of them. I always want to have time in the future, but if one day you never see them again, would you regret it for life? It's better to cherish the time you spend together now rather than worrying about with friends and family all day long.

The last sentence: I'm fansinated by the ice, water, blue sky in the moive.

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Extended Reading

Chasing Ice quotes

  • James Balog - Photographer: If you had an abscess in your tooth, would you keep going to dentist after dentist until you found a dentist who said, "Ah, don't worry about it. Leave that rotten tooth in"? Or would you pull it out because more of the other dentists told you you had a problem? That's sort of what we're doing with climate change.

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