
Johanna 2022-09-27 06:21:12

How did Simon win Jennifer's love?
Method: You need to meet the same person every time, and you also need to show considerable composure to show that you are looking for someone else's girlfriend, so that you can gradually become familiar. Obviously, you have to meet a girl like Jennifer. Then I started to invite her to do some things together, and then understand, showing a stupid expression but can understand Jennifer’s emotions, and it is fun, sincere to impress others, do things for others, then it is logical...
Summary: dull but serious, persistent and loving The boy is cute.
How did Jennifer win Simon’s love? (I think this paragraph is my favorite)
Method: First of all, she often appears at a relatively fixed time on a certain road, just to meet those who have a regular life, so that she can make a familiar face; second, she boldly accepts Simon's strange invitation, because she is an outgoing and cheerful Girl, expecting it to be an amazing encounter; secondly, she needs to put him under her control and be in a dominant position, for example, she takes Simon’s watch as her own, and then tricks Simon to follow her Zhuan (this point is really smart for me to admire, control other people's rules, so that they can not refute); secondly, she needs to share her own things (this is the characteristic of happy girls), listen to music for Simon, and then point out the beauty of it (I really like this paragraph); and then inadvertently offend the places they cannot be offended, such as touching Simon (this paragraph has a special sense of joy), of course, it must be done gradually, and this is inadvertently; timely point out their logic The contradiction on the above makes him think and then look at you with admiration; the most important thing is to get up and pretend to be okay after being pushed down and continue to follow up, still laughing (this is difficult to do, it’s all caught by others) Pushed into the water); then find the similarities with him, such as wearing a dress of the same color as him; and then join the circle of friends, Simon is also content; finally (success or failure in this action) to enter In his inner world, use his way of thinking to communicate with him, let him understand that he is a person who understands him; at this point, you have a place in his heart, he will not describe you like this: we need you, It is because no one washes the dishes when you are away, which breaks the balance; you need to come back because my brother needs you, and I need my brother. Instead, she will describe you like this: If you are not with him, then she doesn't like you, and she doesn't like you, so she won't like me, because you are 937 times better than me. This shows one thing: he likes you.
Summary: Being cheerful and careless, not afraid of injury, enjoying themselves, caring girls are loved by people
About autism: Simon has autism. His autism seems to be mild. More children with autism can’t say a word. People don’t know his world at all, and their language is the greatest obstacle. They like order but don't like change. This is their common characteristic, and other specific characteristics may vary. Because of this, they don't have the ability to understand feelings if they don't communicate with people. What's more important is that most of them don't like being touched or hugged, and so does the girl in "Autistic Journey". But a small part of them have some abilities that others don’t have. This ability is single, like "Rain Man". What's more, this subject matter is beautifully shot, like the one whose name is forgotten. It's a little girl who has autism and loves architecture. She used playing cards to build a beautiful staircase that ordinary people can't complete. The way they perceive the world is different from ours. Sometimes they rely on a single sense. Simon has very developed visual ability and powerful image thinking, as is the girl in "Autistic Journey". Therefore, different ways of perception are destined to live in a different world from us. But we don't understand their world. If we want to understand, we have to think in their way of thinking.
About Simon: He imagined himself as a person from outer space, revolving around the universe, and when his emotions fluctuated greatly, he would climb into that bucket until something he could trust appeared outside the bucket, let him I think it’s worth coming out; he likes round things, because the circle represents the connection; he doesn’t like brown, so he dispenses with the round manhole cover that likes brown; the food is fixed every week, and his brother must be with him at a specific time The food must be round (I don’t know what to do with noodles, it should be difficult to serve, and I certainly don’t eat vegetables often, and if I’m born Chinese, my eating habits are definitely harder); I have one at home. The round notepad records what to do at a specific time every day; I like to beat the drums, just for practice; what I do should be the work of a garden worker, and all four of them are quite cute; I like everything Balance, precisely because the departure of his brother and his girlfriend broke the balance of “brother cooks, Simon cleans the table, and she washes the dishes”, he began to help his brother find a girlfriend, and finally found his own girlfriend; he likes Thinking with images, including the recognition of everyone’s facial expressions, as well as the distance and curvature of the hoop when he played basketball Understand). He still has many habits, but I think the director's way of presenting things is the accustomed paragraph, and the way he handles the monologue is very good. And it was accompanied by lively and cheerful music at the right time.
About Simon's way of thinking: Simon thinks that a thing can be simplified at any time, simplified into an abstract diagram, which also contains some calculated mathematical images. I think this way of thinking is very useful. Their emotions come from the ability to see abstract things. They can see all the graphics. If they can’t see them, they don’t know what to do. It feels like the world has no support. Need to know the world. They abstract and simplify real things, and their mathematics and physics are particularly good, because their abstract thinking is very powerful. Just like Simon uses a fixed pattern of smiling faces to see the mood of the characters, this is also a way for them to understand the world. Moreover, this method allows them to see some fixed patterns, so it feels like something separated by a layer. They are looking at something beyond the object and can understand all the meaning rationally, but because of this kind of alienation, they cannot blend into it. Feelings, because feelings need to be integrated into. It's not like watching a movie, but acting a movie by yourself. Is there a way to change their way of thinking? It may not work. Sometimes it feels like a child with autism is like a gift from God to us, let us know the many kinds of people...
Favorite scene: Sam's car (in my opinion, it turned out to be riding backwards) The country’s soft grass with withered yellow; Simon’s dad gave him 2150 krona (extremely cute) to coax him out; Simon’s expressions when watching a movie; all kinds of round things; smiley faces and various shapes in the movie A simple diagram represented by images; the situation of each encounter between Simon and Jennifer; the kid who is smirking (really smirking); the kid who is jealous of playing the violin throws others down in a gust of wind; the chattering bus driver (it turns out to be Chef, and discovered that good love takes time like delicious sauce, and the poor modern people like fast food's poor expression); Jamie Vert listens to Simon to show the various scenes of music; Simon again and again One time reflects Jennifer’s touch, especially the part that was pushed into the water; Simon knocked on the door three times and then stepped back four steps, repeated three times; Collected information on each girl; Finally, Simon’s love made a romantic night; Simon and Jennifer's eyes met for the last time.
The symbolic meaning of Simon hiding in the bucket: When people are hurt, everyone will have a solution to calm themselves down, and try to avoid being hurt again, then Simon's bucket has meaning. His barrel represents isolation. I want to keep a distance from the things that hurt me. Even this distance is to avoid, hide in a place where I only get along with myself, but there will be loneliness here, and only those who truly love us and understand us can reveal it. Open our bucket lid, let us reconnect with reality, let us climb out safely, instead of being forced to be dragged into an uncontrollable environment. The reason why we are willing to climb out is because there are still people we love outside. It’s a pity that not everyone has someone who is always guarding the barrel, except for those unavoidable and destined relatives (parents, brothers and sisters, but because they cannot be avoided, there are many problems), then we need to go out of the barrel and look for it. Those who can always guard the outside of our barrels. Simon found Jennifer because of his love, so there was another person outside his barrel. Such a person makes his outside world safer, and there is no need to hide in his bucket in the future. Uncovering the lid of the bucket is the same as opening the lock. Only when the password given by the person in the bucket can be entered can you enter the inner world of others. It is a pity that most people's passwords are too complicated, too esoteric, and too comprehensive. , And there is no prompt information at all, and the lock is rusty. Few people have the patience to open an esoteric lock, just like a complicated equation. Although everyone likes intelligence to a certain extent, they are willing to challenge, but It still can't survive repeated failures and the relentless passage of years, so many locks hung on the cliff and spent a century alone.

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