Small comment

Jordane 2022-01-20 08:01:21

The third work of Griffith. The rigorous dramatic structure, coupled with the sloppy rhythm of romantic films in the silent era, does not seem so refreshing to fast-paced audiences.
What's better is the close-up shot in the movie, which emphasizes the status of the character at this moment and the importance of the language of the shot. When the Chinese came to the bedside of the heroine, he gave a hideous close-up shot. The literary language of this place: his animality is flourishing... Finally, the warm double shot: her beauty defeats his animality , The direct exposure of the lens is just right.
At this time, Griffith's films still have a dramatic and regular taste. Although the emphasis is on the language of the lens, in the structured text language, there is still a unique feeling of drama and between the scenes. Act One: A miserable girl and a corrupted moral man. Act Two: Love burns. Act Three: Tragedy. The rhythm of the traditional three-act drama.
The tone and sentiment of the format film are displayed in his empty shots that render the atmosphere in transition. The mother of the cradle in the party’s common disagreement, this time became a ship in the sea. It played a turning point, revealing emotions, themes, plots and a series of functions.
The reason why I don't like him enough is because the rhythm is slow, the story lacks emotional details, is not detailed enough, and the tragic ending is not sufficient. The ending rhythm of the format cross-montage is inferior to this film.
What is worth studying is the meaning of the lens of the movie symbol: Chinese men, white women, violence, patriarchal moral salvation. This is the end of World War II. The tone of the format has changed from epic war scenes to warm love. Although there is the influence of the failure of the party to fight against each other, I think this change in style is because of the different life experiences of World War II and creation, which made Griffith tired of society. and people.

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Broken Blossoms quotes

  • Battling Burrows: Take them things off!

  • Narrator: The Yellow Man more than ever convinced that the great nations across the sea need the lessons of the gentle Buddha.