"Girl to be rescued"

Laurence 2022-10-07 21:15:43

CC released Whit Stillman's "Metropolis" and "Disco Doom". I downloaded it and haven't watched it yet, but I watched the most recent movie first.

The film seems to have returned to the feeling of the last century, the soft light and excessively spiritual characters make people confused. The lines in the first half of the process were overly flooded with cultural categories, either piled up, or insinuated, but could not find the emotional focus. In the second half, it turned into a puberty emotional conflict scene, and finally there was a song and dance, which was really unbearable.

Maybe you have to read the author's previous works to experience the fun. Just like Todd Solondz, an American author of a similar age, I've seen one, and I feel nothing special.

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Extended Reading

Damsels in Distress quotes

  • Violet: [about Priss' ex-boyfriend] Was Josh handsome?

    Priss: [crying] Yes

    Violet: That's a problem.

  • Violet: Have you ever heard the expression, prevention is nine-tenths the cure? Well in the case of suicide, it's actually ten-tenths the cure.