Some details

Makenzie 2022-01-22 08:03:19

Needless to say, all paragraphs are just a mirror.

1. Mother/daughter
feminine theme, it emphasizes women's mother/daughter identity.
Except for Diana and Sania (they are pregnant women and will become mothers), the protagonists in other stories have a daughter or have a clear daughter identity (their parents participated in the story).

2. Male Characters
In the first six paragraphs, male characters are the core thrust of the plot. They all have a negative impact on the heroine's life to some extent. Either physical violence, or spiritual shadow, or neglect and betrayal. But the film's structural arrangement gradually dilutes this influence. Starting from the seventh paragraph, Ruth finally decided to leave his lover and return to his family. Camille faces a mastectomy, and her husband has shown a deep love for her from beginning to end. In the last Maggie story, there are no male characters. As a mother, Maggie lost her daughter. As a daughter, she lost her father. The emotion of the whole film reached a climax in this period.

3. Water
Holly said, I have a dry mouth, and her sister promised to give her a glass of water. But in fact Holly didn't drink this glass of water in the end.
Camille wanted to drink water, but couldn't drink it because of the upcoming operation.
The daughter in Maggie's fantasy says that she wants to drink water. Eventually Maggie drank water from a thermos.

Fourth, im tired
Holly, Maggie, and Ruth all said this sentence.

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Extended Reading

Nine Lives quotes

  • Henry: There's nothing more real than a mirage.

  • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

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