Stars for the soundtrack

Lesly 2022-01-22 08:03:17

Because JR went to see this movie. The result was quite unexpected, leaving the JR part aside, whether the three children are friends or not does not seem to have much to do with the movie.
But the three children are indeed outstanding representatives of American teenagers on certain issues. Obesity, precocious puberty, low self-esteem. Every child has his own troubles that he doesn't want to talk about, and digests the pain on his own as he grows up. But all this will pass. All slowly disappeared in the trajectory of growth.

I would still recommend others to watch this movie, because the atmosphere created by the movie is not as depressing as the mere description. After watching the movie, I still feel a little melancholy, but it's not hopeless.

A digression: JR was still young at that time, so he pinched a puddle of water. When he appeared, he could hardly hear what he said, he was just a nympho. The performance is still very brilliant. I remembered what Chris Evan said on comic con, whether you are making 4movies or just for few weeks, that will be enternity, no matter how big your uncle’s weight is in the movie, there is no difference between an epic masterpiece and a three-day dragon set. Yes, I can see that Uncle is indeed doing what he likes, and fully enjoy it, I am very pleased to look at it.

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Extended Reading

12 and Holding quotes

  • Grace Fisher: You can't just eat apples all the time.

    Leonard Fisher: Why not?

    Grace Fisher: It's unhealthy.

  • Gus Maitland: When I saw her last night, she had the same look on her face as that little girl. She just wanted me to take her pain away.