Unlikely accidents make great performances

Deontae 2022-10-20 03:25:33

There are residents in the city, and there may not be absolutely unrelated people among the vast population. Maybe a few relationship outlets are separated, and strangers can also become good friends.
The film mainly tells the story of a day when women who had no intersection in the first place get into their own troubles, but the fate will link the protagonists
1-Elektra, undoubtedly the absolute protagonist. The beginning of the story is from her, so to speak. Most of the story lines are an extension of her one-day experience
2- The weird child indirectly exposes the line of the psychological tutor’s husband’s derailment is actually of little use. A troublesome day for the psychological tutor)
3- Holly and bambi’s line is a bit complicated, the first is a big escape, then holly is attacked, then holly’s story is pulled out, and finally a little love seed is left (I originally watched this for bambi play, but did not think this role could be so lovable holly playfully (to bambi) + + to stay natural science (elementary school really ask ...)) 4
flight attendants to catch a big star completely burying the second part, the first part The movie hardly needs this line (but it is worth mentioning that the two actually cooperated in three dramas. In both of them, the man died because of this woman... and the reason why the third movie did not die is that the man played a small role. Bush...)
5-The line of collision between the weird child, the birth mother, and the elektra has been buried in the elevator power failure~~It is also the highlight of the movie
6-The appearance of the final 囧瑟夫 (a guest appearance for the second part) is also for the movie It’s a lot of color~~~ The plot structure of this small fragment is very interesting: the sentence of 囧瑟夫 is the most unscrupulous line in the whole movie~~~ "i know every inch of your skin like the back of my hand."
And after Holly unhooked the three-strand four-string five
Elektra Luxx: [after Holly all of a sudden brilliantly solves math task during the interview]-You could get a PhD, you know?
Holly Rocket: -I know. That's why I get tested twice a year.
Holly Rocket: [to the camera]-Nobody thinks it can happen to them, but anyone can get a PhD. Make sure you get tested. Thank you.
To be honest, black humor + well-designed playful lines + multi-threaded interweaving + gorgeous but not erotic shots +Appropriate anti-shooting to add color to the long conversation. This video has exceeded my expectations, good!

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Women in Trouble quotes

  • Elektra Luxx: [after Holly all of a sudden brilliantly solves math task during the interview] You could get a PhD, you know?

    Holly Rocket: I know. That's why I get tested twice a year.

    Holly Rocket: [to the camera] Nobody thinks it can happen to them, but anyone can get a PhD. Make sure you get tested. Thank you.