
Georgiana 2022-09-10 18:16:40

One day
a child who saw the sea for the first time told me that
this is the sea?
What is the sea?
I don't know how to answer the question
of what the sea is,
then how should the question of the sea ​​be
creatures took millions of years
to survive, grow and develop
but we humans
in a short period of historical development of
the unshakable nature of balance ...
in the moment between
human beings continue to work towards the universe
, however The sea around me is
as mysterious as the Milky Way.
Even in a drop of water,
there are planets
and asteroids
that breathe life.
Since a long time ago
, there have been many inhabitants
in the sea. They swim in the sea.
These wild animals are in groups. And living
in the age of great voyage, the
sea ​​is boundless
, there are various creatures,
boats ride the wind and waves on the seas all over the world,
discover the mystery of the sea,
understand what was unimaginable before...
the richness
of the sea, the sea was still nothing The territories that people have set foot in,
the creatures of the sea shared this homeland,
and that was their exclusive product.
On the other side of the distant sea,
human beings discovered a whole new world.
Many unknown species have entered people’s field of vision.
Nature has opened a new page.
In the depths
of the night, there is an unimaginable kingdom that exists.
This is the seabed.
This is the seabed grassland.
What a tranquil scene.
This animal seems to be on land...
Like herbivores
, there are many subtle relationships between them.
In order to survive
, the appearance of predators looks terrifying,
but sometimes predators can also become protectors
. The existence of small fishes is very important for them.
They are looking for new territories.
No opportunity should be missed.
No matter what happened and accidentally blessed
by the storm,
the drifting thing that fell from the coast to the sea was
unexpectedly riding a small life.
It was about to begin its journey.
It can only wander
on the vast sea. Shuttle through the wind and waves
may be able to reach a new coast...
start a new life?
Every season of transformation
, there will be a large-scale migration of
many animals
in the vast sea of free swimming
freely, to travel where to go
they never stop
pioneers of the sea
constantly looking for new waters
mystery of the sea
gives Because of their various colors and shapes,
sometimes many animals
will change into different appearances in
order to survive
Many animals in search of food
have to walk thousands of kilometers
like a big ocean migration as
also extinct
tell your kids right
there existed a lot of the world
did not know they were
extinct species
this is
This is why
they have spent millions of years to evolve,
but they have become extinct in just a few decades.
How many species have gone extinct?
How many are now in
danger of being extinct ?
Will the extinction continue?
It is because of human indifference
that led to the extinction of species
is now our obligation to protect the lives of these
human beings from different angles
secrets continue to explore the sea
both with awe
but also to understand the
dream finally became a reality
we can walk in the seabed
in addition to
There is a fascinating world besides the mythical world.
The investigation and study of the sea
is just the beginning stage.
In the story of the sea,
any kind of small life
is indispensable.
Research has started from then on.
This is a
huge world without gravity. The sea creatures
swim gently and gracefully,
they don’t notice the existence of humans, and
they get along well.
Like a dream that appears harmonious world
sometimes sea vessels will inhale the seabed
and its wreckage
will become creatures hiding place
nurture life
typhoon comes
people will work together to tide over the difficulties
Is it not in order to protect the sea ...
and carry from Hand come?
Running around the Earth satellites
to help people monitor the Earth
it tells a lot of things human
planet such as traumatized
polluted river water into the sea
are the same as the blood flow
constantly into the sea
is the human wisdom of all the pollution of the sea
that is The
white and holy place
of Antarctica The way of life of animals is still the same as before. The
Arctic is also
a hidden home.
This is also a holy place. It’s
barely a holy place.
Everywhere is still
a look like ... no human beings will take a finger on it in the
near future.
With global warming and the opening of shipping routes,
there will be many merchant ships here, right
? What about animals then?
wailed in grief in order to protect their lives ,
but humans cannot hear
that the creatures we can see in the future
only exist in the fence of the zoo and in
the tank of the aquarium.
What shall we do then?
Rich nature has become a long-lasting dream in the past
In the universe that humans can explore,
only the earth can breed life.
There is no other planet
that can be replaced. All life
should live here together,
so that there is hope
. The diversity of species is also indispensable
for our future
Now It’s not too late to realize
nature has gone through many hardships for millions of years.
Believe firmly in
the power of nature.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.