There is an unbreakable gap in the truth

Madeline 2022-01-22 08:03:07

If you insist on imposing a label like "a good turning point", it's hard to say. From the beginning, the film overlapped the looming view of the New Zealand town with a literary accent, burying a handful of dark emotions. Like all clues and suspense films, the climax always appears at the end, but the film may be too long, and the digging of the truth does not have a sense of shock, on the contrary, it is more suppressed. The two-hour film has been collecting. I think the title "Den" instead of "Cabin" has already explained something. In fact, it is another kind of expansion to tie up the leak in the ending.

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In My Father's Den quotes

  • Andrew: All this time I wondered why you upped and left. You knew what he was up to didn't you... You know the really sad part - I didn't even find out until I read the will... You killed me when you walked away and left me with that evil piece of scum. You had the gall to come back here and bring that thing into our house, my mother's house... Like father, like son.

  • [Paul is very drunk]

    Paul Prior: Hey, I've got a joke. What sexual position produces the ugliest children?

    Andrew: I don't know.

    Paul Prior: Ask your mother!