Set some formulas and talk about theories. What is mysterious and mysterious is a magic film?

Vaughn 2022-09-14 16:02:34

First of all, I insisted on reading it, and also read some comments! Then talk a few words.
The uglier part of this film is that the screenwriter and director are pretending to be forced! Set some formulas, talk about some theory, and set up a bad detective movie with seemingly advanced physics theory that is difficult for ordinary people to understand! Of course, as usual, I still add a few sentences that seem to be very philosophical and very life-conscious.
Or, this film is just a pastime for physics students and professionals in scientific research institutes, and the general audience will not enjoy it. Of course, except for inexplicable sex scenes, just watch it.

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Extended Reading

The Big Bang quotes

  • Detective Skeres: You're an asshole, Frizer. Roll-it-down asshole. If we've a contest, the world's biggest asshole, you coming second.

    Detective Frizer: Yeah? Why not first?

    Detective Skeres: 'Cause you're an asshole.

  • [last lines]

    Detective Poley: I fuckin' knew it.