Dream utopia

Chauncey 2022-12-02 23:13:39

In the summer of 2009, the weather in Shenzhen was hot and humid, and every time I opened youtube (you could still log in on youtube) and watched the MV of "agaetis byrjun", I instantly felt cool and comfortable. The Icelandic language that I didn’t understand at all did not affect me. The love of this song is also because it made me know the band Sigur Rós from Iceland. A few days ago, Brown Sugar Can watched this 2007 documentary. The empty grasslands and icy snow-capped mountains, abandoned houses and factories, Sigur Rós concerts and interviews are interspersed with it. This may be the best documentary I have ever watched. It is also a perfect Icelandic promotional film. Such a cold country has the warmest sounds in the world. Bjork, mum, Sigur Rós...Although only about 005% of the world's population have created music that affects the whole of Europe and the world. After seeing Jonis leading the band on a global tour and returning to his country, he held a concert in the mountains and in the abandoned factory. People gathered together in unison. There was no hustle and bustle of European music festivals, and the impetuousness of midi and strawberries. There was only one scene. In the warm scene of the curtain, they all wore similar sweaters by appointment, the adults were drinking beer and chatting, the children were flying kites together in groups, and Jonis’s refreshing voice penetrated everyone’s heart. What is a utopia? This is utopia. At the extremes of the earth, there are such a group of people who have nothing to do with the world. Maybe this is the place in the dream.

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Extended Reading

Sigur Rós: Heima quotes

  • Band member: It's kind of a safe haven for us, Iceland. We are left on our own here.

  • Jon Thor Birgisson: I think Kjarri's grandmother, she went to the concert and thought it was really loud, and then heard it was on TV, too. Like, "It was on the TV! Let's go home! If it's on TV, let's go home and watch it on TV." Then it was the end of the last song and these crazy backdrops and stuff, like really intense. Then she thought something was wrong with her TV and shut it off. I think it's nice.