Simple Simon

Lucinda 2022-12-09 10:30:05

"Simple Simon", selected by Sweden to participate in the 2010 "Oscars for Best Foreign Language Films", cannot but be said to be a sketch full of warmth and thinking about life, making people finally wait for a breeze in the chaotic and noisy life. Today, the bombing of the market with blockbusters also brings a burst of freshness.

The structure of the movie is very simple, and the storyline is also very predictable, but when all the details are threaded through the most primitive thinking from life, it brings a very special and calm shock.

The protagonist Simon, a boy with Asperger, is as paranoid as all patients, has almost lost social skills, is sensitive to numbers, strictly abides by all rules, and is autistic. He hides in a self-made iron barrel and imagines that he lives in the universe, everything runs according to strict formulas. He hates the change, even if someone touches his body, he will immediately retaliate, hitting the opponent hard. The only person who can communicate with him and who knows how to communicate with him is his brother, Sam. Of course, Sam also loves his brother very, very much, and it is precisely because of this that triggers the following story. And the heroine jennifer is a smiling, tolerant, and optimistic girl. He opened Simon's dusty heart and finally let him "land" safely.

Many people say that this film is a short story about love. It is warm and full of warmth of friendship and affection. Whether it is Sam giving up his girlfriend to take care of Simon, or looking for Simon anxiously when he returns late, it makes people feel moved. But in my opinion, the interpretation of love in this film should be understood as the main line of the story throughout, and what the director really wants to interpret should be thinking about people's lives today.

The beginning of the film is in outer space, everything is silent. The aircraft "ridden" by Simon revolves around the earth in its own orbit. Everything must be operated in accordance with the law and cannot be changed, otherwise it will only be destroyed. The screen changes, Simon's mother yells at Simon's self-made tin bucket hysterically, and orders Simon to get out of it quickly. And when Sam's girlfriend rashly lifted the lid of the bucket, we saw Simon for the first time-a child with brown hair, 190cm, who couldn't smile, and his eyes were full of panic.

Today's people live in a world of row upon row of tall buildings, surrounded by a jungle made of concrete, and their daily work is to spend the rest of their lives in exchange for tomorrow's bread. In order to survive, people finally chose to put themselves in an iron bucket tailored for themselves in such a more and more rational world. Hidden, what we maintain is our most vulnerable side. Once the closed lid is cruelly opened, we will only be as panicked and full of fear as Simon. In other words, the fear suppressed in my heart will burst out instantly.

Simon strictly abides by all the rules he set when he leaves the bucket, going to the toilet in a few minutes, eating a meal in a few minutes, and every day's food is within the plan. Even the trivial thing that needs to be retaken when the toilet paper is used up must be completed within the corresponding time, and even rushes into the room where Sam is having sex with his girlfriend. This is obviously an obscure irony to the world of the supremacy of reason. The development of modern society has long tended to deform everything. After efficiency and quality have become everything, everything else is no longer important. Any individual or life is nothing but a bargaining chip that can be sacrificed and abandoned. And although we are hurt in such a cruel world, we dare not face it, and can no longer show us in the truest appearance, but we are the direct executors of maintaining the laws of operation of this world. Although funny, but realistic.

Under such perverted interference, Sam's girlfriend finally broke up with Sam. Even so, Sam doesn't blame his brother, and keeps telling Simon: She will come back, she will come back to wash the dishes. Such tolerance and pampering are moving. But the only thing Simon can think of is that no one will wash the dishes after dinner when the woman is gone, and life will change, so brother needs a new, damn, girlfriend.

Then the story is very simple, it is nothing more than Simon and Jennifer encounter, Simon after various scientific calculations believe that Jennifer is the woman he wants to find. The only thing beyond his calculation is that Jennifer likes him. He has slowly decided that Jennifer will enter his life. He can't leave her anymore. Jennifer must be with her brother.

It was in order for Jennifer to meet Sam that Simon returned late for the first time. Sam searched around with anxious heart. When Simon returned home, Sam's anger that had accumulated in his heart broke out because of his broken love and the anxieties of his younger brother. Simon had an Asperger's syndrome at this moment, knocking on the closed door anxiously and full of fear.

Life is no longer a simple matter. When meeting a true lover, a sincere friendship will we carefully and meaningfully open the closed atrium slowly and let the long-lost sunlight shine into our heart. Cherish and love in every possible way, but will eventually hurt each other because of their own troubles and gains and losses. Leaving for an instant finally made our fragility completely erupt, and all the strengths that were blinded by the appearance will instantly disintegrate, and then we chose to continue to avoid, hiding in the bucket that we made for ourselves. The emotions of loneliness, helplessness, grief and helplessness are rendered in the film with Simon's hysterical cry.

The clock turned ten minutes, and finally it was dawn. Everything still has to be faced. For the first time, Simon chooses to climb out of the bucket to save his brother and Jennifer. So Simon carefully arranged a "romantic dinner" between Jennifer and Sam.

I have to say that this is a highlight of the whole article. As a person with social barriers, Simon was able to break through this barrier when facing the two beloved people of Jennifer and Sam and successfully arranged a dinner for the two. Jennifer finally met Sam, but because his younger brother asked others to help He was kidnapped and very angry. The dinner ended early, and Sam approached Simon and told him that life was not like this, and that no girl could enter their lives. Simon couldn't understand, he couldn't understand why Jennifer left, why there are no traces of Jennifer in his life. After a lot of stimulation, he finally broke out. He and his brother scrambled together for the first time, then cried and ran wildly on the bridge, with his carefully arranged firework feast printed behind him. The camera shift, returning to the universe shown at the beginning of the film, the only difference is that the "aircraft" is shuttled through a group of meteorites, one of which is in the middle of the hatch.

I don't know how to understand these bridges that are nearing the end most accurately. The director especially added a lot of color to Simon's role here, setting the tone on "Simon's Change". Before he did not socialize, and did not change the style of clothes, which was strictly regulated. Here he began to think about dressing, broke through many of his own problems and even hosted a dinner party. Perhaps the only explanation is the most primitive and most powerful force that comes from the human heart, a force that bursts out because of "love." He loves his brother and jennifer, so he is willing to overcome all the problems he can't face to complete it all. We live, we have someone we love, and we will willingly give everything we have to everyone we love. But reality is not the same as imagination, it is more cruel and serious. When we lifted our "bucket" and finally decided to re-enter the purest part of our heart into the world, we got a blow. The pain is so unforgettable and heart-piercing! Simon ran, he just wanted to go back to the iron bucket and hide. And we just want to escape, the fireworks behind us can only render the cruelty and paleness of reality, we just want to re-enclose ourselves in dust and live. Even if the meteorite falls, at least we still have a hatch to protect it.

The end of the film is full of warmth. Jennifer came to the house where Sam and Simon lived together. After hearing Jennifer’s voice, Simon finally opened the lid of the bucket. When jennifer touched Simon’s finger, Simon was no longer overly aggressive. Response, on the contrary, is a bright smile. Everything becomes warm and beautiful.

A good hope! The most essential life is not rational calculation and hard disguise, she should be more heart-to-heart communication and love and love sharing. Only when we truly face love and sincerity will we truly have the courage to get out of our iron bucket. Today's world has begun to deteriorate, and what we really want is not money and benefits. What we need is more to return to the most essential states of life.

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