My Watch Book: "Trash Street"

Jessie 2022-10-06 20:17:34

Some people call it the American version of "The Mermaid in the Sewer". I tentatively watched it. What are the jokes, how can the special effects and makeup compare with the guinea pig series? Everyone can tell that the colorful paint is fake, okay? If you can compare it a bit, it is probably the nausea, but even in this respect, the impact it brings to people is completely incomparable with "Part II", but it simply makes people feel dirty and slimy. At best, it can only be regarded as a botched B-level film. Compared with the simple story of "Part Two", its plot is of course a lot more substantial. At least there are climaxes and ups and downs. It is a complete plot, but it is not very interesting. In addition, the actor is really not very good, and the heroine has a body shape. Acceptable, looks too cheating.

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Street Trash quotes

  • [after storming into Ed's liquor store, pointing a finger in Ed's face]

    Fred: Fuck you. Gimme a bottle of booze, here's my dollar, suck my dick!

  • Burt: Well, what you starin' at, bitch?

    Old Woman Shopper: You're robbing the store, young man! And I'm telling the Manager.

    Burt: Yeah, you do that. Old wrinkled, honky motherfucker. Telling on me... Well, what she think this is, Junior High?

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