Hadisa --------------Unconsciously reduced to a normal movie

Paris 2022-09-20 16:03:29

Is it a little immune to war movies? No matter the perspective, I'm tired of it.

This state makes it difficult for me to remain objective and fair.

Seeing Iraq again, it's Iraq again, haha, the chromosomes made in these movies absolutely overlap.

The camera is aimed at the conflicts intensified in Iraq under the management of the Mi Army, whether it is the Mi Army or the Mi Army organizations, they are all for their own interests, and no one cares about the people whose lives are hanging by a thread. In order to clean up their mess, the jihadist Muslims are a combination of dictators and warlords. Their coming to power is by no means a bright road for the Iraqi people.

In the movie, I was deeply impressed by a sentence. A 50-year-old woman walked towards her face in a black skirt. Suddenly, she took out an AK-47 from under her skirt and shot you crazy... In the Marine Corps code of conduct, man , Women, children, old women, disabled all Muslims are enemies. The same applies to jihadist groups with Muslims.

Iraq is the shit that no one cleans up...

The story in the film tells that the US military was killed and two injured by a roadside bomb in the town of Hadisse. Then came their revenge for killing 25 people. If you think about it, this is cruel to everyone. The dead have nothing to do with roadside bombs, and those American soldiers may suffer a lifetime of condemnation for this incident.

One sentence in the film is really true, what are we doing here, yes, I know what we are doing here, but what the hell are we doing here!

Ethnic conflicts are never reconcilable, and the mud cow is sinking into the sea every day.


'm really tired, that's it, brando

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