Love in September

Mozelle 2022-10-06 20:37:33

Woody Allen must really like this lovely wooden house with a bright sun and gentle tones. Otherwise, how could he bear to temporarily leave Manhattan and put himself and everyone in a wall surrounded by no sky. Who wouldn't like this warm background? Until the end of the movie, I still think this house is too beautiful and there are so many greedy eyes.

Does a perfect home make people happier? Woody Allen, that little old man with squinted eyes is uncomfortable. Zhang Ailing said that life is a gorgeous robe, full of lice. I always feel that Woody Allen's outlook on life is similar to this, but he does not have the oriental beauty of Eileen Chang's kind of depravity, but replaced it with the frank rap of the Americans.

Mother: A woman who is spoiled by her own beauty, who lives her whole life with integrity and vigor, makes people angry.
Daughter: A self-pity and self-loving neurasthenia patient who thought she was hurt more severely than she really was hurt, she cried and said, I want to survive. Mia Faluo, no one is more suitable to play this fragile and sickly neurotic role that makes you instantly disturbed.
Friend: I can't bear the trouble of my marriage, and rediscover her own value in the love of others. She is painful Shaking his head, blinking, and touching his forehead with a cup of water, the milfs, who want to leave and want to leave, half-push.
Man No. 1: She is warm and important. I don’t have to think about quarks and photons when I fall asleep.
Man No. 2: I just think about myself, and I no longer want to think about others.
Man No. 3: The sense of responsibility to save the weak can also be addictive.

No one's life is not a mess, even in the best house. Optimistic people want to live here, pessimistic people want to sell it, no matter how to toss the house, life is determined by another thing, who would believe that Ian played by Mia Farrow will live in New York It’s easier. When each of them left the house without a solution, it was just a stop naturally passed by the train of life.

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September quotes

  • Diane: The Richmonds are flooded, electricity's gone off. God is testing us and I for one am gonna be prepared. Where's the vodka?

  • Diane: Jesus! Look at my hands. Now really, I am too young for liver spots. Maybe I can merge them into a tan.