Every child has a wonderland in his heart

Quinn 2022-01-24 08:03:44

It may be disappointing and cruel to see the world from the perspective of a child. When we were young, we were innocent, unaware of the hardships of life and the sinister human nature, and imagined the world so beautiful. Once this beauty in our hearts is destroyed, we may fall into a strange situation, just like Phoebe.

She has no friends at school and lack of parental care at home. Although her mother tried her best to understand her daughter's world, to help her get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder and protect her, it was in vain in the end. The father didn't understand his daughter even more. When Phoebe wanted a younger brother, he said, "Give another child like you?" This undoubtedly stabbed the fragile heart of a 9-year-old girl.

Phoebe found her true self when she played Alice. For her, it was a way to get rid of all the confusion and cruelty in reality. In the end, she led everyone to perform Alice in wonderland, which is her wonderland. Her growth process.

The world of adults is realistic. I believe that every child has a wonderland in his heart. Adults often like to let children face the reality. Sometimes children are afraid to face it, so they will hide in their own little world like Phoebe. Reality or imaginary world, this is a problem.

Although the ending is indeed a bit hasty and inexplicable, the line Phoebe said is still very thought-provoking: "I...I can't tell who I am at the moment, sir. At least, when I woke up this morning, I still Know who I am. But I think since then, I may have been changing... I am afraid I can’t say more clearly, because I don’t understand. From the beginning, within a day, it has become so many different The image is really puzzling. Well, maybe, you haven’t found it yet, but when you have to become a pupa, one day you will, you know—and then become a beautiful butterfly again, I think you will feel that there is so A little weird... you may feel different. All I know is that I feel weird..."

In fact, I personally think that the play they played can be understood as the confusion they encountered in real life. Most of the time, Teacher Doger is a bystander, occasionally advancing to assist the children. At the beginning, they all wanted to play Alice. The knight, the queen of hearts, do not want to play caterpillars and playing cards, just like in reality everyone hopes that they are the protagonist, they are the best, and they don’t want to be taken away by others, but after the role is played, everyone can only do their best to play. Good one's own role, the same is true in life. In the end, Teacher Doger left. Phoebe still played his role without assistance and helped everyone. Remember when the principal asked them who would help them rehearsal, they said "I am" one by one. Yes, no matter whether you are a child or an adult, your own life should be in charge of your own life. This makes me feel that the principal seems to be asking them, who is leading your life? They all answered I am the same. feels wonderful. Purely personal opinion!

And facing all kinds of things in life, maybe it's like the words of Teacher Doger: Don't Stop.

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Phoebe in Wonderland quotes

  • [first lines]

    Peter Lichten: Happy Birthday!

  • Miss Reiter: [to the class] What do we know about Good Job Jenny?

    Phoebe: [under her breath] She deserves a slow and painful death.