About the last story

Shanon 2022-01-22 08:03:19

The last scene is the most intriguing. There are a few details:
1 When the mother took out the grapes, the daughter said: You have not forgotten
2 When the mother said about grandpa, she said: Everyone is carrying a burden. The daughter said: I can't remember my grandfather. After saying this, my mother walked away and went down to the tree to pour water. (The tone of this dialogue clearly feels that the one in the tomb is not the grandfather.)
3 The daughter climbed up to the tree and said: I saw the blue thing, it was a little girl's skirt. After finishing this paragraph, the mother walked away again to pack her things, and the little girl came down. After the clapping game, my mother went from laughing to crying and said: I'm tired. (The blue skirt is the piece of cloth that is spread on the ground. I realized that the little girl does not exist when I saw it.)
4 The most important details. In the end, my mother packed her things and left alone, not forgetting to take out the grapes and put them on the tombstone. .

Therefore, it should be the tomb of the little girl, (I walked away twice, it was my mother who was too sad, she was getting old, and the little girl’s life had stopped.) Judging from her mother’s age, the little girl has been dead for a long time. , She fantasizes about getting along with the little girl, and hints that she wants to move on. Forget about sadness.
This film is about women's lives, not everyone's lives. So I don't think I want to show that everyone will die. It is to show that women are great and will survive no matter what they experience. Every woman is a vast universe.
Although the ending story is sad, judging from the scene, it is the warmest cemetery I have ever seen. Sunshine and grass are more like a park. It seems to be telling us to love life and cherish ourselves.

PS, besides that, I also like Holly and Lorna.

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Extended Reading

Nine Lives quotes

  • Henry: There's nothing more real than a mirage.

  • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

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