Nai is on the road of no return...

Pat 2022-01-22 08:03:07

1. Matthew turned out to be the most handsome before acting Darcy...I know he can't come back.
2. When Celia used her finger to print a kiss on Paul's cheek... I already knew that she couldn't come back.
3. Paul hugged Jax in pain,... Paul go, let's go, I know Nai is about to let go.
4. When Paul's father was his son and his girlfriend, he should know that there will always be a Dongchuang incident!

In short, this is an extremely tangled family tragedy. In fact, the world outside the small town is very big, and the most heartbreaking moment is always: Celia, who has already received the ticket, will never be able to make it to Spain...

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In My Father's Den quotes

  • Andrew: All this time I wondered why you upped and left. You knew what he was up to didn't you... You know the really sad part - I didn't even find out until I read the will... You killed me when you walked away and left me with that evil piece of scum. You had the gall to come back here and bring that thing into our house, my mother's house... Like father, like son.

  • [Paul is very drunk]

    Paul Prior: Hey, I've got a joke. What sexual position produces the ugliest children?

    Andrew: I don't know.

    Paul Prior: Ask your mother!