I remember the obsession in your eyes

Al 2022-09-19 16:07:18

When I saw Michelle, I remembered Wanfang’s poem——I remember your attachment to

Michelle when he went to the beach and learned the truth and returned to the city. The filming was very good. It felt like The other side of a city that has been in for many years is like four or five in the morning, familiar and unfamiliar. A feeling of emptiness that I can't grasp but knows where.

Ivan Mike Gregg, the shadow writer, died because of the exposure. What would happen to him when he burned inside—he didn't die. . Some accidents~~囧~~

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Incendiary quotes

  • Young Mother: [last lines - narration] People thought it was the end of the world. But the world didn't end. So they rebuilt the city in 3 years, stronger and taller. London is a city built on the wreckage of itself, Osama. It's had more come backs than the evil dead. It's been flattened by storms and flooded out and rotted with plague. Even Hitler couldn't finish it off. Death nor flame was like hell, my grandmother said, just one endless sea of flames. But we built on the rubble, and we kept on coming like zombies. I *am* the city, Osama. I am the whole world. Murder me with bombs and I will only build myself again, and stronger. I'm too stupid to know better.

    Young Mother: The Sun says you are an evil monster, but I don't believe in you, and I know it takes two to tango. I know you're vexed at the leaders of the western world. Well I'll be writing to them too.

    Young Mother: [as baby is being born] I know you're a clever man, Osama. Much brighter than me. If I can make you see my son with all your heart for just one moment, I know you would stop making boy-shaped holes in the world - it would make you too sad. Love is not surrender, Osama. Love is furious and brave and loud. You could hear it in the noise my boy made when he played with his cars.

    The Boy: [memory of him playing] Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

    Young Mother: I wish you could have heard him, Osama. That noise is the fiercest and the loudest sound on earth. It will echo 'til the end of time. It is more deafening than bombs. Come to me. Come to me and we'll blow the world back together with incredible noise and fury.

  • Terrence Butcher: At the end of the day, this is a war between two different species. I'm not paid to understand the mind-set, I'm paid to prevent.