"Private life history" of non-celebrities

Karl 2022-01-21 08:01:32

When I first saw the title, I liked it very much. I thought this French film would have a deep existential flavor, like "Don't Forget You Will Die", "Life After Death", "People Always Go To Death", etc... …In my memory, such works either talk about the absurdity of people after they realize the meaning of death, or how to plan the time of life, or show that they should bear the responsibility of their own choices.

But this French film is not about this kind of story. It is a "private life history" about six family members in an ordinary French family. There are laughs and tears, sadness and joy, the characters are real and full, and the feelings are delicate. It is indeed a warmth that is worth recommending for the whole family to watch. Blockbuster.

Among the stories of the six family members, I like the story of my youngest daughter Fleur the most: Fleur gave Sasha the first time on her 16th birthday. After the incident, Sasha left her and Fleur did it for herself. She regretted her decision and felt that the precious first time in her life might be given to Eric, so she recorded the "first day of the rest of her life" in her diary... One day after many years, Fleur did not return all night, her mother She accidentally found the diary while tidying up her daughter Fleur’s room. After secretly prying open the diary, she learned about her daughter’s growth history: It turned out that Fleur went to see Eric later, and Eric fell in love with other things later. Girl, later Fleur was so sad that he escaped the pain by sleeping with a stranger. Later, Fleur became pregnant and then had an abortion... During the abortion, Fleur was accompanied by her female friend. , Instead of her mother, Fleur asked herself "Where did that Fetus (embryo) go?" No one answered, so Fleur could only answer "Did you go to the trash?"

I don't know much about other people's living conditions, but as far as I am concerned, my parents basically don't know my personal growth experience and mental journey. Actually, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that they won't sit down and chat with me at all, and they won't try to understand my views on life. Although it may be that I am not proactive enough, I think the responsibility lies with my parents. Even many times, I wonder if my ideas and life experience are not worth mentioning, or is our society too introverted and lacks the family warmth that is common in Western movies? I couldn't find the answer, so I could only prevaricate to myself: I am not famous.

In the past year, I had a lot of time to be able to eat alone with my father. He is a very introverted person, but slowly under my questioning, he will tell a lot of his life experience, tell the story of when he was an educated youth in Sihui in his youth, and when he became the deputy manager in 1992. His salary, how he was later laid off and then re-employed, his current job performance and the handling of interpersonal disputes in the company, and the history of our family and the kinship relationship... In many moments, I was When listening to my dad telling these stories, there will be a cheerful light on his face. I think he must be very happy, he must be very happy to share his life experience with me; there are many moments, I feel It turns out that listening quietly is a kind of care in itself. It turns out that it is a kind of happiness to find someone who is willing to quietly listen to your past stories. For the first time in more than two decades, I convinced myself: I should have a child.

At the end of the movie "The First Day of the Rest", there is a moving scene: the "dad" in the story is facing his wife and three children on the dining table and said affectionately: "Watching you three grow up It's the best thing I have ever experienced." At that moment, I think similar words must be buried deep in the heart of my parents.

Finally, to quote Bowman, he said that there are two strategies for responding to death, one is modern and the other is postmodern. The post-modern strategy is a strategy of deconstructing "immortality". It will give everyone the opportunity to become the center of attention, and everyone can elevate themselves to a position reserved only for "great men." And I think this postmodern strategy must also be applied to "private life history", not only celebrities can tell his "private life history". So, listen and write together!

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