"u dont want them to see or hear or know, u can bury it, u can bury it so deep, u wont find urself anymore. but u wish u hadnt"
"the truth doesnt get easier to tell , it only gets harder, until its gone 4ever"
im touched by jacks courage, and the deep down feeling for silas heartbroken
its bout time for someone standing out and telling truth
also time for someone shutting it and never speak out
life is full of complex moments, decisions
its killing me that this show wont last long...
there r plenty of medical shows on tv, either a quirky main character or bullshit relationship involved
ppl love that
plus some cop shows, either a quirky main character or bullshit relationship involved
ppl love that
c'on, the characters r basic the same but in diff shows w/ diff names
"this show shouldnt be in public station"
that's pathetic!
since when a decent show only appears on hbo, sho
and u americans dont deserve this for as Free Show
SO Suck IT!
EP 11 Makes Me Chill
Marvelous !!!
we saw people pulling the media how easy it is
if you're lucky or death was also sent to the reputation
we have to believe what we hear
We have to believe what we have seen,
we have to believe what we have read,
we have seen a person’s values being subverted.
If there is still a better man in the world,
what do we use to measure his loyalty as naive,
what do we use to measure his beliefs as Stupid,
what do we use to measure his simplicity as cowardice
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