Garbage street made up of garbage

Ernie 2022-10-06 19:56:28

Sex, violence, homicide, post-war syndrome, the underworld...all the things that should be there are, each one involves a little bit, and each one doesn't go deep. It feels like a big platter of rubbish. It makes you look boring, but it makes you unable to stop. There is also the unexpected development of the plot. I thought they would turn into a zombie after drinking. Who would die like that? I thought that the plot will be based on wine, but I will talk about other things in a mess...
Hey, it is really a work of God.

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Street Trash quotes

  • [after storming into Ed's liquor store, pointing a finger in Ed's face]

    Fred: Fuck you. Gimme a bottle of booze, here's my dollar, suck my dick!

  • Burt: Well, what you starin' at, bitch?

    Old Woman Shopper: You're robbing the store, young man! And I'm telling the Manager.

    Burt: Yeah, you do that. Old wrinkled, honky motherfucker. Telling on me... Well, what she think this is, Junior High?

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