Short and rich

Greyson 2022-10-07 08:54:45

The length of this film is very short, only 43 minutes, but every minute of the film is very important, so tight that I cannot breathe a sigh of relief. The film has a little Italian neo-realism style with very little dialogue; it also has a style like the Hungarian film "The Chronicle of First Love", which leaves the audience a lot of space for thought, rich in connotation, and a little bit of stream of consciousness. Was it so popular in Eastern Europe in those years? The hesitation of the soul after the initial recovery from the trauma of the war.

The story is about a short-lived friendship between Sasha, a seven-year-old boy who learns the violin, and road repairer Sergey. Two people, one big and one small, with different classes together, form a subtle but harmonious picture. Little Sasha was bullied by the neighborhood boys when he went out for the violin exam. Sergey, who was driving the roller nearby, relieved him, and taught him to operate the roller, encouraging him to fight the injustice. And Sasha also played the violin for Sergey; the sound of the violin that was ridiculous and scolded by the stern female teacher during the exam was so beautiful and moving. When the string sound suddenly rang in the air, I almost fainted. Past; like weeping like crying! What a frightening and sad melody! The violin is indeed the king of musical instruments! At this time, the camera turned to the reflection of the rollers in the puddle on the ground, and the screen switched with the ripples of coins falling into the puddle, Sergei's condensed eyes, and Sasha's solemn face that was not commensurate with his age.

They went to see the house demolished, and when the big hammer hit the broken wall, in Xiao Sasha’s ears, these seemed to converge into a sound of music, so majestic and passionate, far better than harsh criticism and beats in a cold examination room. Music played after the instrument sound. Art permeates life, and life is also art; and all transcend the boundaries of artificial hierarchy.

A lot of content can be read from the film. Maybe different ages will read different things. I always remember the cute appearance of little Sasha's chubby little fingers rubbing the strings; but seeing his dignified and helpless expression, I felt a sense of depression in my heart. This feeling reached its peak at the end of the film.

Sasha is a typical kid who grows up under the influence of his parents. There is a very interesting scene in the film: In the hall waiting for the exam, Sasha quietly put an apple on the little girl’s chair; when he entered the exam room, the little girl couldn’t help but look at the apple several times and take it for a while. After a while, he put it down again; when Sasha came out of the examination room, the lens was close-up on a leftover apple core. A very cute set of pictures; it is a subtle and vivid depiction of the uneasy performance of innocent children facing the pressure of the examination room. The little girl with a pair of big white bows was very cute. Although there was no line, the scene of the two children comforting each other with their eyes and smiles suddenly touched my heartstrings.

This is a good movie, but I dare not watch it more, lest it cause too much sadness.

There are many unknown questions in the film; why does Sasha's family live in a civilian area? Why is his mother so harsh on him? How could his father never show up? Does he have a broken family? The film does not explain this, but only tells the story through the eyes of the two protagonists, just as the Italian movie "Children Are Watching Us" did not explain the reasons for the breakdown of the relationship between Pulico's parents.

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