The death of Hani

Chris 2022-01-20 08:04:47

The favorite role is Honey, which is similar to the appearance of martial arts. From the very beginning, he was attracted by this man in navy uniform. Followed Shandong, the boss of the military village).
Xiao Ma said that when Honey's name was reported back then, anyone didn't give face. Although this time the military village and the skater hooked up to get him, and dealt with these people, he dismissed it. Although the people in the small park and military villages are local snakes, there are Dongmen Third Ring Road and Tugou people (Tainan Gang) behind the honey. These people are also local ruffians at best. "Stop talking nonsense, talk about it, kill it. The people in Dongmen Third Ring Road don't care, I'll take care of them. Damn your mother." Tainan's is a dick, and it seems that he has never put the gangs of other provinces in his eyes. Later, I heard people say that there are many Taiwanese natives in Tainan, and they were more affected by the previous Japanese occupation. From their costumes, clogs, cloaks and sabers, you can see that they are bloodthirsty wolves. Really, come and play to the end.”
For this reason, I specifically checked the information: after World War II, the Kuomintang government moved to Taiwan, and most of the children from other provinces lived in military villages at that time. For survival and benefit, and to fight against the brothers of local forces, These children from other provinces gradually united with the dependent villages and other children from other provinces to form a group to contend with the local forces. The brothers of these other provinces are collectively referred to as the other provinces. On the contrary, the brothers of the local forces are called the local provinces. At that time, most of the brothers from other provinces inherited the old gang system and developed into gangs with organizational structures.
In the early days, the native Taiwanese brothers had strict ethics and morals, and most of them did not operate in the drug business. Mostly adopted is a form of horn head organization. The corner power is a triad group that has no organizational structure. There are only simple ethical generations in the group, brothers and younger brothers.
Analyze carefully, gangs with a strict organizational structure are often profit-oriented. As long as they are beneficial, they can do cruel things that are contrary to human relations. As long as it is advantageous, even lower and lower, dirty and nasty things can be tolerated. It's like an evil machine, constantly creating nightmares.
The distinction of corner head forces is based on the name of the area in which the force is active, or the name of the corner head brother of the force, as the power distinction. A big brother's name can be powerful enough to persuade the crowd and cover his own territory. Therefore, being a big brother is not only vigorous and resolute, but also the righteousness is in front. You can't touch my brother. Whoever dares to be my brother will not get along with me.
It’s no wonder that Honey despise the behavior of foreigners more and more, "Why go to the south, you guys in Taipei have become popular to make money. Days are really so sad? Back then, I wanted to run with me, and begged like a grandson every day. I. If it weren’t for you, I would say good things to him every day, saying that his dad can help you get Zhongshan Hall and hold a concert. I’m a shameless bitch. Now I support him on February 17th It's not for making money. Now the boss of the small park is him."
Honey has enough strength and a clear understanding of the situation, so why does he insist on going to the small park alone to get back to his site?
"...I'm in Tainan, so bored, I can read a few martial arts novels every day. Later I asked them to help me rent the thickest novel to read. In fact, the people in the past are really similar to the people we have come out to mix with now. There was an old bag. Everyone thought he had taken the wrong medicine. I remember, it seemed that the whole city was stunned and set on fire everywhere. He was going to stop Napoleon alone, but was caught by the sliver. "War and Peace", I don’t remember the other martial arts titles, I only remember this one..."
If the murder is a cruel realist movie, then honey is the most romantic in this movie. A fortune. Go alone, just because he firmly believes in a kind of justice. In his eyes, the things that Shuatou and Shandong do are nasty. He is meaningful to his brothers. He is not greedy for money or afraid of death. He believes that as long as he follows his principles. , Will change Guling Street, will change the world.
He died miserably. People pushed him gently from behind and he died. The
director finally gave the answer:
"...So you are like them, to me I just want to change me. You are so funny, who do you think you are? I am as immutable as this world..."
Yes, this world is unchangeable. The only thing that can be changed is yourself. If you burst the remaining bubbles about ideals and justice, you will feel that you have changed the world. Although the world has changed you, you still feel the same, the same.
I think of two people, Cui Mingliang and Mark.
At the time of reform and opening up, Cui felt that he was a waver at the forefront of reforms, so he kept lowering his bottom line, doing things that were incompatible with society, wearing bell bottoms, dancing disco, listening to Teresa Teng, and going into the sea. In the end, I found that it was just a conjecture. Where he was, the spring breeze of reform was far from blowing. However, he himself kept changing his values ​​and psychological bottom line, and finally found that he was completely different and had nothing. He gave up his youth, went home and gave birth to a child.
Mark: "Choose life, choose work, choose occupation, choose family, choose nasty big color TV, choose washing machine, car, laser disc player, choose health, low cholesterol and dental insurance, choose building mortgage, choose your friend, choose Suits, casual clothes and luggage, choose installments and three-piece suits, choose to watch boring game shows, eat snacks while watching...choose your future, choose your life...too many choices, what do you choose, I chose not to choose." Mark stopped guessing trains, his life became more and more certain. He wants to live now, and may have become the ruler of the game. It may be funny to recall his bewildered youth.
Honey laughs at them in heaven? 孬 kind.
I still sigh, that's how it is.
Of course, what Director Yang wants to say is that this is a kind of destiny, and people can never get rid of the shackles of the social environment.

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