A movie about family and life

Santino 2022-01-22 08:02:40

Two bicycles, one big and one small. A father and daughter, the father seems to be going to the other side of the sea, for some unknown reason. In the evening of the setting sun, the father walked towards the boat, and when he had left, he suddenly turned around and hugged his daughter, perhaps with tears streaming down his face. The father just left, leaving his daughter alone in the cold wind.
From winter to spring, the daughter has been going to the beach to wait for her father. Watching the sea, the seasons are changing, and the daughter has gradually grown up, becoming a young girl and a mother. The father never came back, and in the end only the daughter was left alone. She walked down the frozen water and disappeared into the distance just like the father back then. The boat was still there. She lay down. Suddenly she seemed to see her father again. His father was still as tall and young as before. She got up and ran towards his father...
The boat and river in the movie seem to symbolize the end of life. On the other side of the river is the other side of life. At the beginning of the movie, it seems that the fallen leaves return to their roots in autumn (or winter). The father may realize that his life is coming to an end, but he doesn't want to make his daughter sad, so like many loving parents made up a lie and lied to his daughter that he had gone far away. , The boat in the movie is both a symbol and a white lie of his father. As the daughter gradually grows up, she may also understand that her father will not come back again, but she will still wait, as if her father will come back "tomorrow".
The girl herself has gradually grown up. In the film, the change of the four seasons is used as a metaphor for different stages of life, the spring of a girl, the summer of "a girl grows up", the harvest festivals after the establishment of a family, and the winter at the end of her life.
Life and family affection, the eternal theme of mankind, see the insignificance of life in the movie, it seems to be just a small boat in the ocean. The power of emotion is so powerful that it holds people for life.

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