Very touched.

Josefa 2022-01-24 08:01:28

It’s been a long time since I saw a movie that I wanted to cry. This movie "Grace is gone" did it. I wanted to watch this film at first because of the title, a very sensitive title. But the content is completely different from what I thought. This is the story of a man who took his two daughters on a short trip to heal his injuries after learning that his wife had died in the Iraq War. John Cusack played really well and showed me the greatness of father's love. What touched me the most in the whole film was that he and his two daughters were at the beach in the end. After he told them the fact that their mother was no longer there, the three people holding each other and crying together was really heartbreaking.

We must cherish the relatives around us, nothing is more important than them.

The original soundtrack of the movie is super nice!

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Extended Reading

Grace Is Gone quotes

  • Heidi Phillips: What do you do at work Dad?

    Stanley Philipps: I sell shit.

  • John Phillips: It's important that people have their own views based on an understanding of facts. But, it's also important not to trust the facts, because most of them are lies.

    Heidi Phillips: I don't get it.

    John Phillips: It basically comes down to a gut thing. You just have to be open to allowing for a truth which differs from your own opinions. Or else you'll never actually see the truth at all.