Can you be a gentleman if you have a good temper?

Godfrey 2022-01-20 08:03:12

"Why should you give up?" "Why should you give up on yourself?" "What makes you accept your fate?" The voice of doubt rang in my ear. When I entered middle school, all kinds of troubles and failures hit me incessantly and endlessly. More than 70 points in the math exam, half of the listening mistakes in the English exam, more than 10 points in the Chinese exam reading, countless "B" s in the biology workbook ... All these things make me unacceptable, dare not accept or imagine the future. "Are you willing to do so? Are you going to fall for it? What about your once earnest progress? "Full of doubts. "No! I don't want this, I don't want this! "Screaming inside. I, who used to talk and chat with my deskmate after class, understood the importance of preview before class and review after class, stopped wasting time and seized the opportunity to change the status quo. Once, after lunch, I either went to the canteen or flew back to the dormitory to "hi". I knew that after lunch, I would go back to the classroom to recite and write homework, so as to gain more study time. I used to fly back to my dormitory in the evening self-study class, and I fell asleep while talking tired. I knew that I would spend that time reviewing what I learned that day and previewing what I want to learn tomorrow in the evening self-study class, so as to consolidate knowledge points and ensure the state of class the next day.

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