I wish everyone were like cats with nine lives

Ruthie 2022-01-22 08:03:19

Whether in the East or the West, there is a saying that cats have nine lives. This means that cats are always lucky and never die, as if they have nine lives. The nine women in the film are all cats with nine lives, or suffered from illness, betrayal, prison, family ties, loss and memories. Many fragments and dialogues are familiar, as if it happened to us or the surroundings yesterday. What happened to friends, but life continues, they are all moving forward. Like cats, cats have nine lives, so they have nine new births, and so do we. Every time we encounter suffering, it is regarded as one of our 9 rebirths. When time passes, we will get better and we will have new lives.

There are a lot of brilliant dialogues,: It was lovely for a long time~ The pregnant woman met her old lover in the supermarket, and they remembered their relationship this way. Every relationship is always LOVELY, and then, too many factors prevent them from being together, so he said, "It's not the same, that's our time, only our time." Yes, it has passed, but That section will always stay in a certain corner of my heart, that corner only belongs to you and me at that time.

She said, “She doesn’t understand why sometimes the sun only illuminates a certain corner of the world, while another corner never shines.” Some people always think that life is unfair, but it’s actually fair. Don’t look at it. Looking at what you have lost and looking at what you have, the less you need, the more you get.

And the middle-aged woman who was about to undergo the operation, because of nervousness and fear, kept complaining before the operation, and kept asking her husband to do this and ask him to do that. He did it one by one. He knew all her nervousness and Fear, he knows all the old couples and wives for so many years. The child has grown up and there is no need to worry, and she is sick, he must cherish these time, after the operation, those time belongs to them only.

The film is a boring film, mostly dialogue and walking, do not watch it with more than 2 people.

By the way, in China, pregnant women are regarded as unlucky. Whoever touches a pregnant woman or seeing a pregnant woman is not a good sign for business people or money gamblers. However, in the West, pregnant women are regarded as unlucky. Regarding good luck, the man in the film strokes the pregnant woman's belly, he said it is for good luck.

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Extended Reading

Nine Lives quotes

  • Henry: There's nothing more real than a mirage.

  • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

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