Pursue peace and stay away from war

Roselyn 2022-09-13 15:07:00

After watching the new movie "Battle of Hadsey Town", I have a headache. This film truly reproduces the status quo in Iraq after the U.S. military took over the Saddam regime.

The front part is mainly to pave the way for the war in the back, explaining three aspects of the scene. One is the general task of the US Marines for a day; mainly training and patrols. The second is that the Iraqi guerrillas, two fighters, one old and one young, bought petrol bombs and prepared for the incident. The third is that an ordinary Iraqi family has a barely happy life. The contradiction intensified at the moment the bomb exploded. When a U.S. military car was passing by, the veteran detonated a bomb, causing one death and two injuries. The other U.S. Marines rose to fight, and the two Iraqi fighters fought and retreated, quickly evacuating the scene. The angry U.S. military first shot and killed four men in a car; then, after obtaining permission from their superiors, they carried out a bloodbath on nearby houses, and the most tragic scene occurred. Regardless of whether there are people in the house, whether it is an adult or child or an old man, whether it is a man or a woman, the crazy US military throws grenade frantically and shoots frantically with M16 for revenge. Several houses were littered with corpses, burning blazes, and becoming ruins... At the same time, the US military base center carried out targeted clearance of personnel. Whenever you see a few Arab men on the road, the missile will destroy them after 5 seconds. Wiped from the earth. In addition, the sniper is in place to carry out the killing game. ...

When you first watched it, you might feel sympathy for the US military because they were young and went to Iraq to suffer. They were the victims of the war. But when you see them slaughter the unarmed Iraqi people, you will think that they are full of villains. Finally, because of the media's exposure to the incident, their superiors abandoned them for the reputation of the U.S. Navy, and they still did not end well.

The Iraqi fighters were unscathed in this battle. It can be said that they won a small victory. But when the veteran soldiers saw the American army's massacre of his compatriots caused by their actions, he seemed very painful.

The Iraqi people are the biggest victims of this battle. At the beginning of the incident, someone explained their fate: if they told the U.S. military that someone planted a bomb on the highway, then the Iraqi fighters would not let them live; if they kept silent about the U.S. military, the U.S. military would kill them. . Regardless of whether they act or omit, the outcome is the same. Those who had their brains turned fast and abandoned their homes a long time ago. The remaining residents hope to maintain the status quo. In other words, they have remained silent in the face of this game, so they have become targets of the US military.

Some lines may be handed down to the world. For example, the Iraqi veteran said, God, what I did has brought disaster to the people. ~~ What kind of mood is that! He was supposed to be discharged and said that I did not join the army for Saddam, I was fighting for the country. When the American general prayed for the dead soldiers, he said: May the Lord give the U.S. Navy courage and strength. I hope that the U.S. military will not be so strong and not so aggressive. American soldiers said: I hate those who are officials, they will only give us useless medals. When you got the medal, you would have thought that it was exchanged for the blood of the Arab people. There is also the phrase from the technician: Give me 5 seconds. In 5 seconds, using GPS and satellite images, they can arbitrarily remove any dissatisfied personnel. U.S. snipers were instructed to "can do necessary processing on any moving objects", which means that they can kill civilians at will. In one scene, a sniper shot and killed an ethnic Albanian man. What's disgusting is that they fired a few shots and brag about their excellent marksmanship with a smile.

The storyline is very simple. It only depicts one of the thousands of similar battles in Iraq. It is only a microcosm of the situation in Iraq over the past few years; enough, through it, we can fully understand what is going on in Iraq now. There is no maze-like story structure, no splendid pictures, no super cool sound effects, no big names; some are just real and realistic documentary facts.

For the dead American soldiers, their families have since been shattered; for the undead American soldiers, starting from their 20s, their entire life will be spent in a nightmare. They think they are a vulnerable group at risk, but when they were in the process of slaughter, did they have a bit of humanity? The Iraqi people and the Arab people who survived, some of them are not grateful to the US military for maintaining social order, but some of them are hatred of the United States. They turned their grief into strength, and they yelled to avenge their dead family members. It is not difficult to imagine that the U.S. military is bound to be surrounded by suicide bombings by the Iraqi people.

The American soldiers who won the medal said that we were victorious, but the war is far from over. No one can say who wins and who loses. In fact, the contradictions in Iraq are extremely complicated, and no one knows what will happen in the future. The American soldier also said that he was tired of all this and he felt "numb to unconsciousness". I suggested that he listen to LP's numb.

This film is made for peace-loving audiences, for reflective audiences, and for anti-war people. To pursue peace and stay away from war is the theme of the contemporary world.

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